How to add rank in ranked list in RTC Plans?

Accepted answer

As Ralph mentioned, the article: will help to show you how to rank your work items.
The priority attribute is a drop down - rank is a little bit different. I would advise you to review the above link for more information on how to configure it.
If you are trying to change the rank number, or use the apply rank action - and it is not saving or working as expected, I would encourage you to open a PMR with IBM support so they can take a look at your use case and the behaviour and recommend how to resolve it.
The priority attribute is a drop down - rank is a little bit different. I would advise you to review the above link for more information on how to configure it.
If you are trying to change the rank number, or use the apply rank action - and it is not saving or working as expected, I would encourage you to open a PMR with IBM support so they can take a look at your use case and the behaviour and recommend how to resolve it.
One other answer

Ranking work items
You can rank work items to prioritize them according to your requirement or expected business value. By default, the work item's Priority attribute is used as the planning Ranking attribute. A change to a work item's priority changes its overall ranking. As a result, changing an item from Medium to High priority moves it up in the overall ranking, while changing it from High to Low moves it down. For work items with the same priority, you can set their relative ranking order by dragging and dropping, which is a way of manually sorting them within priority. If you drop an item into a different priority grouping, its priority automatically changes to match the items in the group where it is dropped. The work item is ranked after the item it is dropped under.
Setting the ranking attribute
About this task
You can set the ranking attribute in the Plan Attributes editor.
ProcedureNote: You can add custom attributes to the Ranking Attribute section by expanding the Attribute Mappingsection, and clicking Add. In the Attribute Mapping window, select the attribute to add, and click OK.
Ranking work items
About this task
You can rank work items by dragging and dropping them between work items in the Planned Items tab.
Ralph Schoon
FORUM ADMINISTRATOR / FORUM MODERATOR / JAZZ DEVELOPER Jul 15 '14, 4:09 a.m.From the short description, I am not sure where the problem lies. You should have ranked views already. Please look at and and check if the information for ranking helps you. Alternatively try to provide more information about what you try and which version of the tools so that others can help.
1 vote
pravin gaykar
Jul 15 '14, 4:10 a.m.Rank is calculation on basis on any other attribute ot state of WI, Priority?
Ralph Schoon
FORUM ADMINISTRATOR / FORUM MODERATOR / JAZZ DEVELOPER Jul 15 '14, 4:12 a.m.Dependent on the version of RTC there are different ranking systems available. Please see the links above.
pravin gaykar
Jul 21 '14, 7:53 a.m.RTC is version is 4.0.1, I tried above link but i am not getting any option to edit rank.
sam detweiler
Jul 21 '14, 8:07 a.m.correct.. you cannot directly edit the rank field. this is set by ordering the workitems in the plan ranked list view. the rank value is not exposed as a separate value currently.