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Is it possible to select multiple work items and subscribe someone else

Lauren Hayward Schaefer (3.3k11727) | asked Aug 06 '13, 1:18 p.m.
I'm talking with Madhu Yadali at Agile 2013.  He would like to be able to select multiple work items in the web client and subscribe someone else (like a stakeholder).  Is this possible?


Lauren Hayward Schaefer commented Aug 06 '13, 1:19 p.m.

Is this available in 3.x or a newer version?

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Zachary Demers (20137) | answered Aug 06 '13, 1:53 p.m.
Hi Lauren,

You are able to select multiple work items in both eclipse and the web UI.  Unfortunately you can only add subscribers to multiple work items in the eclipse client, and not yet in the web UI.  This is done in eclipse by right clicking multiple work item from a query and selecting subscribers. Please create an enhancement request to see this feature also compatible in the web UI.

You can not add groups of users like stakeholders to subscribers.  This is limited to individual users.  Please open an enhancement request for this feature as well.

Change attribute of multiple work items at once in eclipse and web UI.

Lauren Hayward Schaefer selected this answer as the correct answer


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