Monitoring of RQM/ RTC

3 answers


Hello Indradri, Can you please let me know where can i download JazzMon? I hope my understanding is correct that we can not monitor any performace parameter of CLM application on JTS. Could you please confirm

From Eclipse client, go to Windows > Preferences > Team > Jazz Source Control page and you will see Metronome which you need to enable first. Then, from the status bar you should be able to launch the metronome tool.
Another way to keep an eye on the network related performance from the web UI is to use the Performance Health Check widget which you can just add to your personal dashboard.
1 vote

I use a combination of nmon / pGraph to gather overall metrics (AIX) and for Jazz things a perl program that gathers the basics off the "Status Summary" page. Both of these are put onto our departmental web server.
The JazzMon I have used only marginally, don't quite understand how to get "frequent" stabs of information out of it as I do with the Perl.
The JazzMon I have used only marginally, don't quite understand how to get "frequent" stabs of information out of it as I do with the Perl.

Take a look at my Jazz Performance Guide. It has guidance on the monitoring and troubleshooting of your Jazz deployment.