Error 400: SRVE0295E: Error reported: 400 while copying artifacts between two project areas
4 answers
Hello Rajesh,
The screenshot is a little small so it is hard to read but nothing stands out as a problem. I did notice the project name is source "JKE Banking". If this was the sample lifecycle project that was created from the /admin application then the problem may be the project alias. The project's alias is not always the same as what is displayed in the UI. The Alias should be used in the argument values.
Project Name: JKE Banking (Quality Management)
Alias: JKE+Banking+%28Quality+Management%29
Use the following URL to get a list of the projects on the server, and the Alias will be returned.
I hope this helps!
The screenshot is a little small so it is hard to read but nothing stands out as a problem. I did notice the project name is source "JKE Banking". If this was the sample lifecycle project that was created from the /admin application then the problem may be the project alias. The project's alias is not always the same as what is displayed in the UI. The Alias should be used in the argument values.
Project Name: JKE Banking (Quality Management)
Alias: JKE+Banking+%28Quality+Management%29
Use the following URL to get a list of the projects on the server, and the Alias will be returned.
I hope this helps!
In order to provide feedback we would addition detailed information on how the copy was performed along with the complete error message.
For example , are you using the RQM copy utility or are you copying from withing the UI?
What version of RQM are you using?
Also, there should be additional information in the error message itself, can you add that to the post.
In order to provide feedback we would addition detailed information on how the copy was performed along with the complete error message.
For example , are you using the RQM copy utility or are you copying from withing the UI?
What version of RQM are you using?
Also, there should be additional information in the error message itself, can you add that to the post.
Double check the project area in the -s argument. It needs to use the project area alias and should not have a space in it. You can find the alias via:
Documented here
Documented here