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Upgrade RQM - database statistics

Georg Kellner (840479109) | asked Jun 05 '14, 9:06 a.m.
edited Jun 05 '14, 9:07 a.m.
Hi fellows,

the interactive upgrade guide says:

"Before you start the Quality Management application upgrade, run statistics to update the database tables. Otherwise, the migration might take several hours.

The following tables must contain up-to-date database statistics:


As it is not possible (in real life), to have the Oracle administrators at my side when I'm running a RQM update some questions:

Is it suitable to update those statistics some days before the update takes place?
When are those statistics updated in a common Oracle DB with a common RQM application?
Is there a more accurate description of what to do with the DBMS_STATS command? Just setting a link to a long long man page is inadequately I think.

greetings georg.

Accepted answer

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Stephanie Bagot (2.1k1513) | answered Jun 06 '14, 10:42 a.m.
The statistics are only useful if they are up to date, meaning the most current. The statistics may already be run nightly by your DBA - this is something that they would set from the DB side. From the CLM side, we do a reindex which affects both DB and local indices. This can happen manually by running repotools, or automatically through background tasks (if you are interested in the default times, check your QM advanced properties).

But back to the main point - the up to date statistics are needed for an online migration.
Any reason why you decided to run an online migration vs. offline?

You can run the migration estimation command to see if an online or offline upgrade is recommended for your repository. We do list some testing matrix information on our wiki -
Note that in the above cases we only recommend to use the online for the 350 GB DB.
Georg Kellner selected this answer as the correct answer

Georg Kellner commented Jun 16 '14, 5:21 a.m.

Well, if the up to date statistics are needed only for the online migration, why is this topic mentioned in the offline guide? ;-)

Eduardo Bello commented Aug 25 '14, 3:43 p.m.

@g_kellner has a good point. The information about statistics is mentioned in offline guide. Is it really needed?

Also, is there any command line to update statistics of the tables mentioned above? 

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