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Artifact Templates

Khadang azimi (151) | asked Feb 20 '23, 7:02 a.m.


A question regarding Artifact Templates in ETM
and in creating a test plan:

1. In ETM chose a project
2. From main menu, click Planning > Create > Test Plan
3. Push down-arrow  from "Creating using template:
4. Dropdown menu contains a long list of artifact Templates.

Is there any way to minimises Dropdown menu in point 4  like reduce the list to only 4 templates without deleting all artifact Templates from Manage artifact Templates page?

br //Khadang  

One answer

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Don Yang (7.7k21114139) | answered Feb 22 '23, 5:22 a.m.

No, I don't think there is an option to achieve what you want without deleting artifacts templates from 'Manage artifact Templates'.

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