Advance Release Burndown and Release Burndown show different Total Points?
2 answers
We're finding several things can affect the Advanced Release burn-down here a few:
- The failure to determine "current iteration" properly. Cause: default identifier of Main Development time line. Fix: Change the identifier using RTC Eclipse client
- Customization of Story Points (complexity) enumeration can introduce non-integer values into the database. Have a look at complexity configuration (again in RTC Eclipse). Look at the Process Configuration Source. If there are entries that look like <literal id="complexity.literal.l10" name = "32 pts"> while others look like <literal id="12" name="12 pts"> this may be affecting your graphs
- If priority has been customized it can elide some priorities if the number of priority entries is much more than 4 or 5
Thank you Kevin
- In the Settings for both of these, we aren't using the 'Current Iteration' option . We are manually selecting the specific Release Iteration and all of the child sprint iterations.
- We have not customized the Story Points or Complexity at all.
- We added 2 priorities - Medium High and Medium Low... are you saying that the Advanced Release Burndown is not including any Stories with those priorities?
I have another thought. If some of the Stories have priority as Unassigned... would this not show up in the Advanced Burndown?
This discussion has more detail.
The long and short of it: only high, medium, low and "everything else" for advanced burndown. The ID of priority must sort "High" > "Low".
Another factor that could cause differences between the Advanced Release Burndown report and the Release Burndown report is that the Advanced report uses live data while the simple report uses data from the data warehouse. The Advanced Release Burndown report determines which story points belong to which iteration based on the (current) value of the "Planned for" attribute of the story. The Release Burndown report uses the data warehouse, so it displays story points based on the values from history. If the planned iteration for some stories was changed at some point, that would probably cause slightly different totals in the two reports.
Hello Alanna
Has the above description for "release burndown" and "Advanced Release Burndown" changed in 6.0. I am asking this because, both the reports mention that they work on datawarehouse.
I have not yet configured DCC on this server, and just tried to look up the behavior with the Report description on what the report description would show up with no data and I see the following for both the reports:
This report presents historical data from the data warehouse. This data is collected by automated data collection jobs. It is possible that this chart is empty because these jobs have not had a chance to run yet.