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Problem with the RTC 6.0.3. Using Rich text editor option

Jazzuser user (681050) | asked May 08 '17, 4:12 a.m.

Hello All,
We have a widget, which copies the description from one workitem to another.

After the introduction of RTC 6.0.3 new version with extended rich set editor option, the widget is failing to copy the description when it contains bullet points.

Following is the error message :
"CRRTC0300E: The work item with the ID 49449 cannot be saved because this client version cannot modify extended rich text content in the attributes '[Description]'."

Is there anything that we need to do with the client version, as it says in the error message.

Accepted answer

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Jul 08 '19, 6:32 a.m.

I think my first response to this was incorrect. 

The message  
"CRRTC0300E: The work item with the ID 49449 cannot be saved because this client version cannot modify extended rich text content in the attributes '[Description]'." 
is most likely related to the fact that "Enable extended rich text presentation" is enabled. See . When this is done, the RTC Client can no longer change the attributes that provide the rich text capability. The error message is most likely due to the fact that the server thinks the rich text is edited by an Eclipse client. This is rejected. 

I do not know how to make the server think the work item is modified by a Web UI.  

Ralph Schoon selected this answer as the correct answer

One other answer

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Jazzuser user (681050) | answered May 09 '17, 7:41 a.m.

I have found this  :

where we see in description :
n-1 clients - n - 1.png (254085)      

  • Users are not allowed to save a work item containing changes to an attribute that contains extended rich text.
  • Move/Copy restricted - When a work item containing an attribute with extended rich text is moved or copied to a different project area, the user is not allowed to save the work item.

what are the alternate options for this ?

Ralph Schoon commented May 09 '17, 7:44 a.m.

The option is to use a client (or API) with the same version (6.0.3) to do these operations.

Jazzuser user commented May 09 '17, 7:49 a.m.

Thanks for the quick response Ralph.
1. Currently we have this copying logic in a widget developed using JavaScript, How can we overcome this issue ?
2. Also could you please suggest more on this option of using :  client (or API) with the same version (6.0.3) to do these operations.

Ralph Schoon commented May 09 '17, 7:55 a.m.

Unfortunately I can't. I don't know the JavaScript API you are using. I have to assume that it uses something that makes the server believe it is not a 6.0.3 API, based on the error message. But I don't know which API you should use instead, either.

If you had used the Java API I would have suggested to try to use the latest download from 6.0.3. 

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