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RTC server connection dropped, then login problems due to "Unable to find server"

Phil Adams (1367) | asked Apr 02 '13, 11:13 a.m.
I'm running v3.0.4 of the RTC plugins on Juno on RedHat Linux.   The precise version of RTC is "Rational Team Concert Client Feature    3.0.4.RTC-I20120326-1442".   

Frequently (several times a day), my server connection is dropped (i.e. red X appears to the left of my repository connection), and when I try to login again, it fails with an "unresolved host" error.   After trying to login several times, it will eventually work.   And this is happening while I can ping the jazz server with no problems.    Once the server connection logout occurs, it's almost like RTC (or Eclipse) has cached the "unresolved host" state and it takes 15-20 seconds for it to realize that the host really does exist.

Anyone else see this problem?   Is there a way to prevent RTC from unceremoniously dropping my server connection?  Is there a way to prevent RTC from incorrectly thinking the host doesn't exist when it clearly does?

Thanks in advance for any help

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Clement Liu (1.5k54249) | answered Apr 02 '13, 11:55 a.m.
Juno - Eclipse 4 is not yet supported by RTC.

C3. Eclipse IDE (RTC Eclipse Client)

IES Notes
IBM Eclipse SDK 3.7.2 and future fix packs IES 3.7.2 For Java 7 Development
IBM Eclipse SDK and future fix packs IES is bundled with CLM

IES Notes

  1. If you are installing Rational Team Client into an existing instance of Eclipse IDE 3.6, please read this technote.
  2. For integration with RAD 8.5, use their special instance of IES for Java 7 development

Can you use the supported version and try again? 

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