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Troubleshooting Child Project Inconsistencies

Michael Reed (126516) | asked Feb 02 '17, 2:22 p.m.

Hi all,

We have a Dev/Test environment were we developed a custom process template. All the basic behavior for this main development and the two children projects that are using it as a parent are behaving as expected. 

Once we met a specific release criteria we extracted and then exported the process template to the production server. We created a parent process template project to be referenced by the main production projects.

In the parent process template project all the functionality we customized and tested in Dev/Test seems to be working. However, we are seeing some odd inconsistencies in the child project.
  1. We have an attribute with an associated Calculated Value script that increments the value by 1 each time the record gets saved to a specific state. In all of the Dev/Test environment parent and children projects and the production parent project this is working correctly but in the production child project it is not.
  2. Several, but not all, enumeration attributes are allowing their Unassigned Literal to be saved as a literal value for required attributes.
I think there were some other issues that were discussed but these are two of the major issues.

Has anyone seen this behavior before? If so, were you able to identify the root cause and resolve it?



Donald Nong commented Feb 03 '17, 2:49 a.m.

Without seeing the actual process template, it's difficult to tell. Have you confirm whether IDs for states and enumerations are consistent across all the projects involved?

Michael Reed commented Feb 03 '17, 10:55 a.m.

Hi Donald,

The child project is completely using the parent process template with no changes other than locally created work item templates and Predefined Queries. The process configuration source reflects this as well.

I even removed all the child project created templates and predefined queries and set the project back to only inheriting all its data from the parent and that didn't resolve the issues either. Very odd.


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Shuchita Tripathi (31436595) | answered Feb 03 '17, 8:54 a.m.

I faced few issues and I can tell the root causes. If anything can be of your help, it will be great.

1. 'Final - Ignore customization of this data in child project area' has to be checked in each and every section.
2. (RTC Eclipse client) -> Process Configuration -> Configuration Data -> Work Items -> Enumerations. Select your enumeration and check if the value of 'Unassigned Literal' is selected as 'Unassigned' or not.

Michael Reed commented Feb 03 '17, 10:58 a.m.

Hi Shuchita,

Thanks for the response. I have verified that the configurations of the Unassigned Literal for any of the attributes that are having this issue are correctly configured at the parent. I have also been seeing some inconsistencies in the behavior of checking the "Final (ignore customization of this data in child project areas) where even when it is checked in the parent the children are still seeing changes we are developing. We haven't figure that one out yet either.


June Boston commented Feb 24 '17, 1:04 p.m.

 Confusing terminology; iirc, Final makes it so that children cannot customize their WI flows to deviate from the parent process, essentially ensuring all changes you make to the parent process are exactly what the child projects will have.

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