Widget "My ..." with several projects areas or several instances

we are discussing, how to setup our Jazz infrastructure.
How many project areas do we want to use and how many ccm instances do we want to use.
I know there are widgets where the results are based on the logged in user (My Tasks, My WorkItem changes, widgets, where I can use queries...).
If a user log into CCM and wants to have an overview, which workitems are assigned to him, does he has to build a widget per project area?
Or, if we use more than one CCM instance, does he has to build widgets per instance and project area?
greetings georg.
we are discussing, how to setup our Jazz infrastructure.
How many project areas do we want to use and how many ccm instances do we want to use.
I know there are widgets where the results are based on the logged in user (My Tasks, My WorkItem changes, widgets, where I can use queries...).
If a user log into CCM and wants to have an overview, which workitems are assigned to him, does he has to build a widget per project area?
Or, if we use more than one CCM instance, does he has to build widgets per instance and project area?
greetings georg.
Accepted answer

Hello Georg,
We have two type of dashboards:
1. Project dashboards
2. User/Team dashboards
The first one is assigned to the project area and displays data related rather to given project area
The second one is created per team/user. This dashboard contains two interesting widgets:
Please let me know if it answers your question
We have two type of dashboards:
1. Project dashboards
2. User/Team dashboards
The first one is assigned to the project area and displays data related rather to given project area
The second one is created per team/user. This dashboard contains two interesting widgets:
- my projects - which contains links to dashboard of specific project
- custom reports - which allows you running the report
Please let me know if it answers your question
One other answer

So if the user is member of several project areas, he has to jump into each project area, to gather the informations about his WorkItems.
There might be workarounds like reading his mails or writing a small API script to gather all the infos, but this is not our focus.
Thanks for the answer.
greetings georg.
There might be workarounds like reading his mails or writing a small API script to gather all the infos, but this is not our focus.
Thanks for the answer.
greetings georg.