How to base a Contributor List custom attribute on a role based user list value set?
2 answers
Good afternoon - I hope you are well.
These may not answer your specific question but may give you some options to try:
1. Creating, customizing, and deleting approval records programmatically with Rational Team Concert
2. Consider Value Sets: Role Based Value Set: Role Based User List provides all users in a project or team area with a specific role.
Role Based User List
You can use this customization with an attribute of type Contributor in order to limit the choice of users. Only users which have the specified roles within the team can be assigned to the attribute:
3. Data Source Value Set Providers (not sure how these would link back to "Contributor List?)
Thanks Matt, and we never did have that chat ... I'll text you on Friday and we'll talk if you're free.
Sure would be great to catch up.. REST API Everything you should ever need! (maybe)
Actually Matt, while this was a nice idea when I think it through some more it can't work. Whether I can get some useful XML from RTC on the fly or not, this tells me that JavaScript cannot return Contributor objects, and that, as far as I can tell, is what is needed to populate a contributor list:
I'm sitting up in the tree with you.. It's a difficult one but I'm sure together we could get something sorted. You know what you have to do!
Can you config a dependent enumeration?
You can use Java, I think. See
Thanks Ralph, in fact that's one of the many browser tabs I have open while looking into this. Perhaps I didn't look closely enough - I'll give it closer scrutiny before updating this thread.
The sample role based users in process area value set provider example see section Example Implementations: attributeType the image.
Hi Ralph, I read through the workshop material again and I understand the role-based user list but the central problem is that a work item attribute of type 'Contributor list' cannot be configured to use a Value Set. The only non-greyed-out option is Calculated Value, which means JavaScript and that cannot return Contributors.
I am pretty sure that my examples worked when I created them.
Thanks Ralph, but I still don't see how this will help when an attribute type of Contributor List cannot be configured to use a Value Set. This seems to be the fundamental problem.
No, the fundamental problem here is: