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Default Dashboard Mementos

Carson Holmes (11113544) | asked Mar 21 '13, 11:53 a.m.
Is there any reference materials for the "Name" of the mementos exposed for customization in a process template?

I've found a mention of the html property for an html widget, but how do I set the "Title" of widgets?  Is there a way to set the properties (mementos) of a Plan View widget?

Accepted answer

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Mike Pawlowski (6861) | answered Mar 27 '13, 10:41 a.m.
Hi Carson,

You can prime the viewlet title in a process specification template using the "title" attribute on the "viewlet" element.
This works for all viewlet types.
For instance, the default title for the Feeds viewlet is "News Feed" which we override with "Jazz News":

<viewlet title="Jazz News" id="">
<preference id="url" value=""/>

Unfortunately, the viewlet memento format differs depending on the viewlet type and is regarded as an internal implementation detail. As a result, the format isn't documented for the majority of our viewlets - even though it probably should be in order to support users who are configuring dashboard templates in the process.

Also, most viewlets don't even make use of mementos; but, rather rely on viewlet preferences or common viewlet definition attributes (such as "title"). The "Plan View" viewlet falls into this category - it only uses viewlet preferences to store it's data.

Viewlet data is stored as part of the dashboard resource and that data is virtually identical to what you would need to provide in a dashboard template in a process specification.
To eliminate the guess-work as to what data & format (preferences, mementos) a viewlet is specifying / utilizing, do the following steps:

(1) Create an empty dashboard
(2) Turn off  auto-save
(3) Add and configure the viewlet you are interested in adding to a dashboard template
(4) Open Firebug on Firefox & switch to the Net tab (or "Network" tab in "Developer Tools" on Chrome)
(5) Save the dashboard
      => You will see an HTML PUT request simlar to the following
(6) Inspect the HTTP request payload to find the data persisted for the widget

e.g. HTML Viewlet

<jw:Widget rdf:nodeID="_1">
  <jw:definition rdf:resource=""/>
  <jw:icon rdf:resource=""/>

e.g. Plan View Viewlet

<jw:Widget rdf:nodeID="_1">
  <jw:definition rdf:resource=""/>
  <dc:title>Ranked List</dc:title>
  <jw:icon rdf:resource=""/>
  <jw:preferences rdf:parseType="Collection">

Carson Holmes selected this answer as the correct answer

Carson Holmes commented Apr 10 '13, 5:43 p.m.


In the example above the plan ID is "16;_iD62sHUUEd2ikOuycfrtCA". I'm guessing I won't be able to predict this in a process template when the plan is created during initialization.  So if this is true, I won't be able to configure the plan view widget in the process template.  Do you concur?


2 other answers

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Jennifer Cianchetta-Riordan (2512) | answered Mar 22 '13, 9:50 p.m.
edited Mar 22 '13, 9:51 p.m.
Hi Carson,

To change the name of a title, click the down arrow in the title bar, and then click Appearance:

  Appearance option

You can then change the name in the "Title" field.

Here is the documentation:

Hope that helps,


Carson Holmes commented Mar 23 '13, 11:16 a.m.

Thanks Jenn, but no that's not what I'm looking for.  I was looking for information on how to customize the default dashboard in a process template. 

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Jennifer Cianchetta-Riordan (2512) | answered Mar 23 '13, 6:37 p.m.

Ah okay...check out these topics then: and


Carson Holmes commented Mar 25 '13, 1:15 p.m.

Thanks Jenn.  Yes, I had found these references, but the only memento property they reference is 'html' and some sub-properties for bookmarks.  Surely, there must be a way to set more properties of these viewlets in the process template, but I can't find a more comprehensive reference.  I'm stuck with trial and error, changing the template, and then creating a project to test it. 

David Arnone commented Sep 23 '13, 5:49 p.m.

I am struggling with the same thing.  A full example would help.

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