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Custom attribute that allows for email

Jeffrey Behnke (27221) | asked Nov 13 '18, 12:49 p.m.

Good afternoon,

I would like to create a custom attribute that allows the user to send an email using the @ functionality. This would be similar to Discussions that allows for email. Is there a Type that allows for this email functionality? I have tried the HTML type options, but they do not work. Or perhaps, when I created the custom attribute with HTML type, I did not create correctly.

Thank you.

One answer

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Ian Wark (79713553) | answered Nov 26 '18, 3:51 a.m.
edited Nov 26 '18, 4:10 a.m.

I'm pretty sure that the @ functionality is only built in to the Description, Discussion and Summary attributes. I think you can create a custom attribute that reuses the Discussion attribute type field. Instead of choosing to create a new field, you choose a non-attribute presentation. The problem with this is that comments added to the new attribute will also affect existing Discussion attributes. The request to have these separate is a RFE.

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