How to restrict a follow-up actions (Build On Deliver Participant) work for only specific stream?
I have developed a follow-up actions (Build On Deliver Participant) and I want it should only work for several or particular stream on the project area?Is there any way to configure RTC SCM HOOK (for this kind of feature)under Project Area -> Process Configuration tab ->RTC SCM hook configuration -> Team configuration -> Operation Behavior.
2 answers
With respect to your question, Perform and recognize the labs 4,5 and how to configure operational behavior.
Oh, and I shall add, if the operational behavior finds the object the operation is for is not in the list it should work for, it just exits.
This hook is working for whole project area, and a project area can have many steam and it will be applicable for all the stream.
so my Question is how to configure this hook for single stream?
You can read my answer above and follow its advice.
if (!(opData instanceof DeliverOperationData)) {
DeliverOperationData data = (DeliverOperationData) opData;
I'm writing an operation( participant that auto creates a snapshot for a stream after deliver change sets to it. To finish that I'm using the following code(only list the key code) :
Currently this operation( participant is working for all the stream which are present under a project area.
I just want have this as a hook for a particular stream as per user chooses.
I don't want to hardcore any stream name here, stream name should be decided by the user in which stream he/she want to feature.
how i will do this? via adding some code or some i need to configure?
can you suggest me some UI that implements a user interface( sample implementation) which will help me on this.