RTC document handling
I have to perform a document management process in the web GUI of RTC.
is there the possibility to connect RTC to open source document management tools like Alfresco?
If the answer is yes, how?
Can I connect RTC with Microsoft Sharepoint or migrate from it?
Do you know if there are other tools or ways of handling this document management issue with RTC?
Thank you in advance for your help
2 answers
Hello Stefano
Since you mentioned about document management tools, I just wanted to mention about the new RTC shell. The demo article being described in The RTC Shell demo , shows how you could get documents into source control without leaving the convenience of your desktop.
Since you mentioned about document management tools, I just wanted to mention about the new RTC shell. The demo article being described in The RTC Shell demo , shows how you could get documents into source control without leaving the convenience of your desktop.