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Subscriber can change state of work ticket though person doesn't belong to category of that WT

kavita herur (5876894) | asked May 15 '15, 4:39 a.m.

Hi  All,

 I have seen cases where subscriber  can modify and change state of work ticket though he is not part of that team area and category too. and agian he cant do few actions in that WT.

 We have set of roles defined, Lead, approver, member. while modifying WT, RTC will consider role assigned to user in that Team area ,which WT belongs to.

subscriber has default role at project area level and has few(member) roles in other Team area.

So I am not undestanding which role is allowing  the subscriber to modify WT

( default role in project area or member role in other team area)?



2 answers

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Donald Nong (14.5k614) | answered May 17 '15, 10:10 p.m.
Read this article and check your process configuration carefully.

kavita herur commented Jun 05 '15, 5:51 a.m.

Hi All,

I gone through that link I understand that user (subscriber), has default role in project area So It consider this role,

or because of subcriber, will user get any extra access to modify WT.



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Martha (Ruby) Andrews (3.0k44351) | answered Jun 05 '15, 5:41 p.m.
You are correct: the subscriber has the default role. All users in the repository have the default role.
There is no separate role assignment based on being solely a subscriber to a work item. Being a subscriber does not give the user any extra permisssions.

Martha (Ruby) Andrews
Jazz Foundation L3 Development Team Lead

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