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Plan View - Rich Hover not showing a Value Set Combo Attribute

Matt Muller (59813674) | asked Jul 03 '13, 2:28 a.m.
edited Jul 05 '13, 6:33 a.m.

We are using RTC
We have a custom presentation and process template;
We have applied a a script based value set and changed the presentation etc. to a Value Set combo box.
We have updated the presentation for a single attribute from a string to a Value set Combo.
Everything is working and it now displays the drop down list etc.  Great.

However when we use the plan view - Rich hover it doesn't display the attribute ? (is it the Value set Combo which is causing the issue?)

Any help will be good!  ta

3 answers

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Eric Jodet (6.3k5111120) | answered Jul 05 '13, 4:58 a.m.
 Hello Matt,
did you also had the presentation of the custom attribute to the web inline editor (this editor is used when you hover)
Is the attribute visible / presented ? (and just the value missing)
Or is the attribute not visible at all.
If it's the later, then assume presentation is missing from the web inline editor.

Hope it helps.

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Matt Muller (59813674) | answered Jul 05 '13, 6:25 a.m.
edited Jul 05 '13, 6:32 a.m.
 Hello Eric,

Firstly I put the wrong version of RTC in ..   This is for  (we are evaluating 4.0.1 & 4.0.3 now got confused)

In the process template we have one - web inline editor and this editor displays information for us when we setup the integration between DOORs and RTC.  I do not think that the web inline editor is used for the Rich hover?

As we have the same inline editor for all WI and the displays are different.

I have just tested in version 4.0.3 and it looks like it works in there? maybe a bug in

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Eric Jodet (6.3k5111120) | answered Jul 05 '13, 10:05 a.m.
 The web inline editor is used to provide the overview content of the work item to any client (Plan, DOORs, ...)
But if you tell me if works fine with 4.0.3, then possibly this is a defect that was fixed.
You may want to search for this defect.
Or use RTC 4.0.3


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