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JAZZ_DEADLOCKS in database error messages

We were seeing a message like this a couple weeks ago on RTC and it turned out it was the result of some network performance issues:
CRJAZ1318I A database connection error occurred.
Serialization failure
CRJAZ0252I The JAZZ_DEADLOCKS deadlock monitor does not exist so no extra details are available.
When we were originally investigating the DB side there was a question about this JAZZ_DEADLOCKS deadlock monitor that is referenced. We can't find any reference to this in any documentation. Are there any hooks in RTC code that expect this for further levels of debug data when DB issues occur? Are there any details on how to create this so this can be used by customers? We'd just like to understand for the future.
CRJAZ1318I A database connection error occurred.
Serialization failure
CRJAZ0252I The JAZZ_DEADLOCKS deadlock monitor does not exist so no extra details are available.
When we were originally investigating the DB side there was a question about this JAZZ_DEADLOCKS deadlock monitor that is referenced. We can't find any reference to this in any documentation. Are there any hooks in RTC code that expect this for further levels of debug data when DB issues occur? Are there any details on how to create this so this can be used by customers? We'd just like to understand for the future.
Krzysztof Kaźmierczyk
Mar 22 '13, 5:29 a.m.Hi Philip,
Where did you see that error message? Was it in admin panel or in jts.log file?
Could you look into jts.log file to provide full error message? (not only with the reason)
Phillip Piper
Mar 22 '13, 9:41 a.m.It was in a pop up dialog. I do not have access to the jts.log but it did contain the same message and details that were in the pop up. We have already resolved this issue as it was a slow network traffic causing a bottle neck on DB calls. However, my question was specific to the reference to the JAZZ_DEADLOCKS deadlock monitor and why it stated it didn't exist. It implies further action by the customer.
Morten Madsen
Jul 03 '15, 4:52 a.m.I'm seeing this message in my Windows Event Viewer:
2015-07-03- Instance:DB2 Node:000
PID:2136(db2syscs.exe) TID:3736 Appid:*LOCAL.DB2.150703080338
database monitor sqmWttTableList::setup_column_input_structs Probe:130 Database:JTS
ADM2014W The Event Monitor "JAZZ_DEADLOCKS" detected on table
"DLCONN_JAZZ_DEADLOCKS" (ID "2") that the size of the column "TPMON_ACC_STR" is
smaller than the default size of "255". Therefore, contents will be truncated
to the user specified size.
I'm running with DB2 v10.5