Collapse All / Expand All not working
I have a plan that I am looking at the "Backlog" view of. It is essentially a bunch of user stories, each with a set of child tasks. When I try to Expand All or Collapse All using the buttons in the toolbar, nothing happens. They do seem to work in other views, such as "Backlog with Severity". Also, I have another project instance on the same server where these functions work fine. I'm using RTC v.4.0.5 in an Eclipse client (RSA). Has anyone else seen this problem ? Wondering if it is a bug or a configuration type issue.
One answer
do you see triangular shapes in front of the stories?
Make sure the view you have is of display type parent child, if you want to drill into the hierarchy. Also check your plan settings e.g. if it filters execution items.
do you see triangular shapes in front of the stories?
Make sure the view you have is of display type parent child, if you want to drill into the hierarchy. Also check your plan settings e.g. if it filters execution items.
Thanks for the response.
Yes, I see triangular shapes (I assume you mean the twisties), so am able to manually expand and collapse WI's. The "Style" of the plan is set to "Tree" and there are no filters set.
Any other suggestions of things to check ?
Also note that the Expand All / Collpase All buttons work fine for the same plan in the web interface. So this appears to be an Eclipse client issue.