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What Insight version will include ETL for timesheet entry data?

Timur Markunin (6495166146) | asked Mar 19 '13, 4:18 a.m.

I've read that CLM 4.0.3 will have ETL for timesheet entry data. 
Is it new Java ETL? 
What Insight version will have this new ETL?

-thanks in advance

Accepted answer

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Junli Wang (5512) | answered Mar 19 '13, 4:24 a.m.
RTC 4.0.3 will have both Java and DM ETL for timesheet data.
Insight will work with RTC 4.0.3
Timur Markunin selected this answer as the correct answer

Jackie Albert commented Mar 25 '13, 11:26 a.m.

By timesheet data, do you mean scheduled absences function that is available in RTC?  Or does this mean something else?

Junli Wang commented Mar 25 '13, 11:43 a.m. | edited Mar 25 '13, 11:43 a.m.

In RTC, there is a process template called "Formal Project".
After deploying this process, there is one more tab added into workitem.
In this tab, you can break down workitem into smaller bit, and input how many hours you spend on each day(eg. 1 hour on Monday, 2 hours on Tuesday, etc)
Timesheet data is collecting this information.

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