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Is it required that I upgrade RRDI to 2.0.5 when I upgrade to 4.0.5?

Arnold Cruz (16414031) | asked Dec 19 '13, 1:10 p.m.
Hi All,

We are currently going to upgrade our ALM (RTC, RQM , RRC) to 4.0.5 from version 4.0.3. We currently have RRDI 2.0.1 installed. Is 2.0.1 RRDI compatible with 4.0.5 data warehouse? Is it required that we upgrade to 2.0.5? Please let me know if this upgrade is required at the same time as with 4.0.5 ALM.


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Prasad Annamdasu (15453643) | answered Dec 19 '13, 11:57 p.m.
 Hi Arnold, 

Since CLM 4.0.5 is compatible only with the RRDI 2.0.5, You may need to consider the upgradation of RRDI as well. 

Refer the below link to have a look at the version compatibility matrix of RRDI & CLM. 

I hope this answered your question. 

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