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RQM Test script template

Narayanan Potti (27037679) | asked Mar 13 '13, 3:48 p.m.
 I have CLM 4.0.1 installed on Windows Server 2008, database is SQL Server.

In RQM test team wants to customize template of test script.Currently test script has 3 columns - Step, Description and Expected Result. Two custom columns are required in test script- Value and Comments. Is it possible to do add ? Test script currently has section Keyboard view followed by ? followed by Clipboard ? and Execution variables ?. We're not able to get rid if this section, it is very annoying.


3 answers

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Ara Masrof (3.2k15) | answered Mar 14 '13, 8:07 a.m.
To hide the Keyword View, point the cursor to the vertical divider between the Keyword View and the Manual Test editor. Click the arrow when it displays.

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Narayanan Potti (27037679) | answered Mar 14 '13, 9:05 a.m.
Thanks for your response Ara.

 Is there a way to add custom columns to RQM Test Script ? I need to add 2 custom columns and apply it for all the Test scripts in the project or team. Is it supported in CLM 4.0.1 ?

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Ara Masrof (3.2k15) | answered Mar 14 '13, 9:21 a.m.
My understanding is you cannot add extra column in manual script steps. 
You can however add custom attribute at Test Script level 
Click "Project Properties -> Custom Attributes -> Test Script Attributes" to define custom attributes for Test Script. You must be logged in as project area administrator to see this option. Once defined, whenever a user creates a script, you will see the option to provide a value for the custom attribute defined. 

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