what is the syntax in config file for importing test case summary attribute values like user 1, user 2
Accepted answer
May be the url is not okay.
Please try:
good luck, Jörg
PS: I do the tests also with poster. I did add a header (Headers Tab) with Name=accept and Value=application/xml
Both of the method is not working, I think this type of URL not supported in Poster or RQMURLutility. Can you suggest me a path forward. Or how can I get exact workable URL.
The URL should work in Poster. The question is whether you have test case 498927 existing or not. It seems that 498927 is a testscript not a test case. you need to find out an existing test case id and put it there or use the correct resource type for example
testcase/urn:com.ibm.rqm:testcase:498927 >>> testscript/urn:com.ibm.rqm:testscript:498927
Hi Jorga nd Don,
Config file :
Do you use RQM version <= 6.0.1?
According to documentation (see above) the order of the parameters are relevant.
I would try
testcase.customAttributes identifier="User_5".name="User 5".type="SMALL_STRING".value="Test5test"
Cheers, Jörg
Thanks Jorg, Issue resolve now :)
2 other answers
Hi Sanu,
category and attributes are different items and have different syntax to import.
Detail description is here https://jazz.net/wiki/bin/view/Main/RQMExcelWordImporter
Tricky part is to get the internal identifier name. Valid syntax is of course described there:
and in your installation directory you'll find also an example: TestCases 001 with custom attributes
Hope this helps, Jörg
Hello Jorg,
Hi Sanu, a liitle bit more info would be helpful. Which Query did you use, what was the result/error message?
Anyway. Maybe the cheat sheet can help you
Example query is: https://localhost:9443/qm/service/com.ibm.rqm.integration.service.IIntegrationService/resources/JKE+Banking+%28Quality+Management%29/testcase/urn:com.ibm.rqm:testcase:33
for me this is working. May be one important hint: If you create a dummy test case you have also to enter data in the attribute field(s). Empty fields are not shown in the result.
Hope this helps, Jörg
My output:
<ns2:customAttributes> <ns2:customAttribute type="SMALL_STRING" required="false"> <ns2:identifier>UML_Element</ns2:identifier> <ns2:name>UML Element</ns2:name> <ns2:value>Dummy</ns2:value> <ns2:description/> </ns2:customAttribute></ns2:customAttributes>
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Donald Nong
May 28 '17, 11:58 p.m.