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Enabling Configuration Management in CLM / RQM

Ricky Jay (281126) | asked Jan 19 '17, 7:00 a.m.


We need to enable Configuration management in RQM 6.0.2. 

1-Does this need any key? and if yes, from where i can have this key and where it needs to be put to enable configuration management.
2- Setting up Configuration management for RQM will enable it for the Whole CLM applications or would it be restricted to RQM only?
3- Detailed steps to configure this

It would be really helpful if someone can provide the Pros and Cons of enabling this feature.


2 answers

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Ara Masrof (3.2k15) | answered Jan 19 '17, 8:40 a.m.

 This will give you a good overview regarding activating and configuring 

You can generate a Key here:
The Key generation is under the Next Steps heading

You may also want to read about Global Configuration and see if this better fits your needs

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Shradha Srivastav (348413) | answered Jan 19 '17, 8:43 a.m.

Hi Ricky,

1) Yes, activation key is needed to enable GC, please refer the link for the key and where the key need to be provied

2) It will enable only for RQM and you need to manually activate each project area to use GC


Please read through the impacts/consideration before enabling GC, also please test the working of GC on a staging server.

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