Question about Context Aware Search
After configuring Context Aware Search it appears to only be indexing certain files. I have configured it to include all file types, yet I can't get it to index IDA models that I have shared with a stream. These contain a *.ldm extension. Is there any reason why Context Aware Search would ignore these files?
Accepted answer
Though I'm not aware of any documented restrictions on the size of the file which CAS will index, I was able to reproduce the behavior you're observing with a large file. I suspect you're hitting a defect; I've filed bug 255390 to track.
One other answer
I just tried creating a foo.ldm file and Context Aware Search found it with no trouble, so I haven't been able to reproduce the problem. Note that this file doesn't contain a real IDA model ... just some text I typed in. So one thing to try ... just create a foo.ldm file with the text editor, and see if that file gets indexed.
It looks like large files don't get indexed. I haven't figured out what the threshold is but the models I was trying to index were around 25 MB. I created a very small foo.ldm and it was getting indexed. I also noticed that you can't search just by filename, it only looks inside files. For example, I created a foo.txt with no contents and it wouldn't index. Once I added the string 'foo' to the file it would return in the search results.
Can anyone confirm whether there is a size limit on files that get indexed? Is this configurable?
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