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Error CRRRW8010E in sandbox

victor villar (123) | asked Jun 14 '13, 11:55 a.m.
retagged Jun 14 '13, 12:46 p.m. by Michelle De Armas (2612)
Please help me i have a  problem with my project in the sandbox I have a process diagram and i dont have a backup please help me to visualize it

The error says: ID CRRRW8010E  La aplicación de convertidor ha encontrado un error que impide que el contenido gráfico se cree o recupere. Esto suele deberse a un error de configuración de la aplicación de convertidor. Puede que le falten dependencias o que no se haya iniciado correctamente. Solicite al administrador que verifique que la aplicación de convertidor se ha instalado y configurado correctamente

3 answers

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Scott Rich (57136) | answered Jul 03 '13, 7:06 a.m.
Hi Victor, I checked with the dev team, and they suggested the following workaround:

"An easy workaround is to edit the Business Process Diagram, make a trivial change (ie. add an object, then delete it) and hit save.  After that, the BPD rendered for me."

Hope this is still helpful...

victor villar commented Jul 05 '13, 8:01 p.m.

 Yes, it works. Thank you :)

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Michelle De Armas (2612) | answered Jun 14 '13, 12:07 p.m.
Hi Victor,
Are you running on Linux? If so, you maybe have a converter issue. Please see this topic to confirm:

If this is your issue, see the article link in the help topic for troubleshooting information.

victor villar commented Jun 14 '13, 12:33 p.m. | edited Jun 14 '13, 12:35 p.m.

Thanks for your answer, but im running it in windows 7 i can't watch the model process that i created please help me I really need that process for my work. And this error happens in the sandbox of jazz so I cant fix that for myself as I guess.

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Scott Rich (57136) | answered Jul 02 '13, 7:52 a.m.
It looks like there is another problem with the converter configuration for the Sandbox.  I get the same error:
The content that you requested could not be generated.
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ID CRRRW8010E  The converter application encountered an error that prevented the graphical content from being created or retrieved. This is usually caused by a configuration error for the converter application. It may have missing dependencies or was not started correctly. Ask your administrator to verify the converter application was correctly installed and configured.

I'll ask someone to look into it...

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