Why does RRC's Administrative menu only show Manage Project Properties intermittently?
One answer
If they are and they are still having this behaviour then I suggest reaching out to Tech Support as anybody who has JazzAdmin permission, RRC Analyst CAL, and is a member of the project with Administrator role then they should always see this menu item.
Which version of RRC is being used as well also the browser version?
FYI: Some help topics
The latter link indicates the main trigger for "Manage Project Properties" is the Administrator user role.
The user does have the administrative user role. We have found that the most frequently functional method of solving this issue is to refresh the page. However a new session will require the page be refreshed again to get the option back. Additionally sometimes even a refresh does not bring the option into the menu.
Which browser versions are you using? I know the officially support version of FireFox with V4.0.1 is FF 10 ESR, as there have been some funnies with later versions with the intention of supporting FF 17 ESR in an upcoming release.
Also is this happening when somebody first opens ...rm/web and immediately goes to the administrator menu or is this after some time? I ask because I am wondering whether the web client has not fully cached the contents.
Does the contents appear if you wait a few mins?
Either way this sounds like a defect.