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Where can I download RTC Client 2.0.2.ifix7 for Ubuntu 12.04 64 bit?

Thomas Größchen (6233) | asked Jan 31 '13, 3:25 a.m.
edited Jan 30 '14, 2:44 a.m. by Krzysztof Kaźmierczyk (7.4k476103)
Hello .

Need to install RTC Client 2.0.2.ifix7 onto my 64 bit Ubuntu.
Unfortunately the RTC Server is Level
Could not find the RTC Client for  Linux x86-64 on Download site.
Is there a way to get the mentioned RTC Client ?

Thankx in advance for any hint.

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Jim Ruehlin (79114) | answered Jan 31 '13, 2:10 p.m.
You can download the RTC ifix7 RTC Client (and other RTC ifx7 software) here.

It looks like there are only 32-bit (x86) versions.

The only version of Ubuntu that is officially supported for is Desktop Edition 8.0.4 (32-bit). See the Detailed System Requirements for RTC Client for 2.0.x for more info.

The 32-bit version might work on you 64-bit installation with the appropriate GUI libs. But it hasn't been tested in that environment so there are no guarantees.

Good luck!

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