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Results from LinkedData web retrieved at 06:45 (GMT)

Best Practice: Be careful with the use of inferencing in RDF Vocabularies State: Draft Contact: Crossley Scope This Best Practice discusses inappropriate usage...
Best Practices The page lists Best Practices for implementing web applications and services that use REST, RDF, and Linked Data. These Best Practices have been developed...
Best Practice: How to choose a term for a new attribute State: Draft Contact: Crossley Scope This Best Practice recommends appropriate adoption of existing vocabulary...
Introduction The Data Collection Component (DCC) is an Extract Transform Load (ETL) engine that can load XML REST data sources into a relational data warehouse. DCC...
Focal Point Built In Modules Focal Point has several built in modules. This document describes them and their attributes. Table Of Content Built In Workspace Modules...
Focal Point Datatypes This document describes the RDF vocabulary and resources for Focal Point data types (defined in the vocabulary with prefix fpdt:). Refer to Focal...
IBM Rational Focal Point Linked Data and RDF REST API Introduction The purpose of this article is to describe the design for making Focal Point a Linked Data source...
Focal Point Linked Data Attribute Example The URI of the Title attribute of the 002:Tsunami 1.1 element resource in the Projects module of the Estimation and Measurement...
Focal Point Linked Data Element Example The URI of the 002:Tsunami 1.1 element resource in the Projects module of the Estimation and Measurement workspace on my machine...
Focal Point Linked Data Index List Example The URI of the index list resource for the Projects module of the Estimation and Measurement workspace on my machine is...
Focal Point Linked Data Index Tree Example The URI of the index tree resource for the Projects module of the Estimation and Measurement workspace on my machine is...
Focal Point Linked Data Service Example The URI of the service resource on my machine is http://ryman.torolab.ibm.com:6080/fp/resources/ XML Here is an example service...
Focal Point Vocabulary Prefixes The Focal Point RDF resource representations also use terms from the Dublin Core, FOAF, OSLC, OWL, RDF, and XML Schema vocabularies...
Best Practice: Make RDF Vocabulary Documents Available For Use in Queries State: Approved Contact: Crossley Scope This Best Practice recommends that RDF vocabulary...
JulianneBielski 2013 03 13 itm vocabulary.rdf: ITM Vocabulary expressed as RDF/XML
Discovery namespace IanGreen 2020 07 27
Jazz Foundation Process Component Iteration Shape
SebastienVeyriere 2015 10 13
Jazz Foundation Process Component Resource Shapes Resource Type Class URI Shape URI Iteration http://jazz.net/ns/process#Iteration http://jazz...
Jazz Foundation Process Component Project Area Shape
Jazz Foundation Process Component Team Area Shape
Jazz Foundation Process Component Timeline Shape
Linked Data Review Board Introduction The Linked Data Review Board performs the following functions: Establish Best Practices for the design and deployment of...
This is a list of vocabularies whose source is on the Linked Data Web (this wiki); it is not intended to be a complete list of jazz.net or other vocabularies. See...
Best Practice: Use a Profile to Request Plain Old XML State: Approved Contact: Ryman Scope This Best Practice is intended to make it easier for developers to...
Best Practice: Use a Profile to Request Plain Old XML State: DRAFT Contact: Green Scope This Best Practice is intended to make it easier for developers to consume...
Best Practice: Publish RDF Vocabularies State: Approved Contact: Crossley Scope RDF resource representations contain vocabulary terms for properties, types, and...
Publishing RDF Vocabularies on jazz.net Jazz tools should embody Data design principles. This means that every resource hosted by a Jazz tool should have an RDF representation...
Resource Shape 2.0 W3C Member Submission The OSLC Resource Shape 2.0 specification (PDF) lets you define constraints on RDF documents. This specification was submitted...
HarmonySE vocabulary.ttl: HarmonySE vocabulary.ttl HarmonySE vocabulary.html: HarmonySE vocabulary.html HarmonySE vocabulary.rdf: HarmonySE vocabulary.rdf...
sysml vocabulary.ttl: sysml vocabulary.ttl sysml vocabulary.html: sysml vocabulary.html sysml vocabulary.rdf: sysml vocabulary.rdf
testing vocabulary.ttl: testing vocabulary.ttl testing vocabulary.html: testing vocabulary.html testing vocabulary.rdf: testing vocabulary.rdf
rhapsody vocabulary.ttl: rhapsody vocabulary.ttl rhapsody vocabulary.html: rhapsody vocabulary.html rhapsody vocabulary.rdf: rhapsody vocabulary.rdf
UPDM2 MODAF vocabulary.ttl: UPDM2 MODAF vocabulary.ttl UPDM2 MODAF vocabulary.html: UPDM2 MODAF vocabulary.html UPDM2 MODAF vocabulary.rdf: UPDM2 MODAF vocabulary...
SPARQL Gateway This page links to information about the SPARQL Gateway, a Linked Data application that enables reporting engines, such as BI and Publishing Engine...
Best Practice: Enable Users to Specify URIs for Custom Attributes and Values State: Approved Contact: Crossley Scope Most Jazz development tools allow administrative...
Best Practice: Use File Extensions on URIs to Request Representations in Specific Content Types State: Approved Contact: Ryman Scope Multiple Representations...
Best Practice: Use FOAF to Identify People and Agents State: Approved Contact: Crossley Scope Many RDF resource representations include information (encoded as...
Best Practice: Use of OSLC Value Type and Representation in Resource Shapes State: Valid Contact: Crossley Scope The 2.0 Core specification defines two properties...
Best Practice: Use of RDF data types State: Draft Contact: Crossley Scope This Best Practice recommends appropriate usage of RDF data types, and considers the...
Best Practice: When to Use rdfs:label Versus dcterms:title State: Approved Contact: Crossley Scope This Best Practice recommends appropriate usage of the...
Best Practice: Use Unicode Normal Form C or KC State: Approved Contact: Crossley Scope This Best Practice affects the encoding of all IRIs and RDF string literals...
Best Practice: Use rdfs:label and rdfs:comment in RDF Vocabularies State: Approved Contact: Crossley Scope This Best Practice recommends appropriate usage...
Best Practice: Use URIs to Represent Enumerated Values State: Approved Contact: Crossley Scope When modelling data, it is a common requirement to restrict the...
TWiki`s LinkedData web The 1 web of TWiki. TWiki is a Web Based Collaboration Platform for the Enterprise.
Welcome to the 1 web This is a publicly viewable wiki for Linked Data information about IBM products. Its main purpose is to host RDF vocabularies and supporting...
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1 Web Create New Topic Index Search Changes Notifications Statistics Preferences
This is a subscription service to be automatically notified by e mail when topics change in this 1 web. This is a convenient service, so you do not have to come...
Set ALLOWTOPICVIEW TWikiAuthorsGroup Set ALLOWWEBVIEW TWikiReadersGroup Set ALLOWTOPICCHANGE TWikiAdminGroup, ArthurRyman Set ALLOWWEBCHANGE TWikiAdminGroup,...
/LinkedData The 1 web of TWiki. TWiki is a Web Based Collaboration Platform for the Enterprise.
Statistics for LinkedData Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic...
See also the verbose 1 .
Best Practice: Writing SPARQL Queries that Compensate for Alternate Types of String Literals State: Approved Contact: Crossley Scope In RDF 1.0 there were three...
Number of topics: 98

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