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Rational Product and Part vocabulary

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Rational Product and Part vocabulary.

The Rational Product and Part vocabulary defines items, views, and parts, using concepts similar to those in ISO 10303. This vocabulary describes Information Resources, not real-world objects.

This page lists the RDF classes, properties, and individuals that make up the Products and Parts vocabulary.

Following W3C best practices, this information is available as HTML (this page) and as RDF.

More details on how this page is generated and other related material can be found at Publishing RDF Vocabularies on jazz.net.

See Also:

Classes in this vocabulary:

Item, ItemVersion, Part, View, ViewVersion

Properties in this vocabulary:

view, viewType

Vocabulary Details


Description An Item describes properties of a class of product, system, component, or part. For example, the :CarX12 instance of the pd:Item class describes properties of the X12 model of a car product line, and is not itself a car.


Description An ItemVersion is a version of an Item (note, not an instance of the class).


Subclass Ofldp:Container
Description A Part represents the usage of some child Item within a View of a parent Item.


Subclass Ofldp:Container
Description A view of the parts of an Item.


Description The object is a view of the subject resource, which is typically but not necessarily an Item.


Description Identifies the type of a view.


Description A ViewVersion is a version of a View.
Topic attachments
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
Htmlhtml pd-vocabulary.html manage 5.6 K 2013-06-12 - 15:33 UnknownUser PD vocabulary in HTML
Rdfrdf pd-vocabulary.rdf manage 4.5 K 2013-06-12 - 15:33 UnknownUser PD vocabulary in RDF/XML
Ttlttl pd-vocabulary.ttl manage 2.7 K 2013-06-12 - 15:34 UnknownUser PD vocabulary in Turtle
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