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Focal Point Datatypes
This document describes the RDF vocabulary and resources for Focal Point data types (defined in the vocabulary with prefix fpdt:). Refer to
Focal Point Vocabulary Prefixes for the list of all the vocabulary prefixes we use. This vocabulary is published at
Focal Point Datatype Vocabulary.
Focal Point Linked Data for information about the main Focal Point vocabulary.
High Level Design
There are two types of RDF graphs for Focal Point elements. We refer to as the
generic and the
natural graphs.
In the generic graph, each attribute of an element is represented as a single triple in which the subject is the URI of a fps:Element resource, the predicate is fps:memberAttribute, and the object is the URI of an fps:Attribute resource. Each fps:Attribute resource includes a single triple with predicate rdf:value and object a Focal Point datatype. This graph provides all the detail present in Focal Point and is useful for generic tools. However, this generic graph is not the one that a human designer would naturally create.
In the natural graph, each attribute of an element is represented as one or more triples in which the subject is the URI of the element resource, the predicate is URI associated with the name of the attribute, and the object is the natural one associated with the attribute. This datatype may be either a literal datatype, (e.g. xsd:integer, xsd:decimal, or xsd:boolean) or a URI to a resource whose RDF type is defined by either an external specification (e.g. FOAF or OSLC) or Focal Point (e.g. a fpdt:TimeGrid or fpdt:Matrix). The natural graph is intended to look like a typical RDF graph that might be found in an OSLC specification.
All Focal Point datatypes are subclasses of fpdt:Datatype. Most datatypes may be further classified into two groups which we refer to as the
simple and the
complex datatypes which correspond to subclasses fpdt:SimpleDatatype and fpdt:ComplexDatatype. An exception is fpdt:Mirror which adopts the datatype of the attribute that it mirrors.
The primary RDF values associated with the simple datatypes are given by triples that have predicate fpdt:value. A simple datatype may have zero or more fpdt:value triples. For example, fpdt:Heading always has zero fpdt:value triples and fpdt:MultiChoice may have more than one. The object of an fpdt:value triple is often a literal value or URI, but may also be a resource whose type is defined by Focal Point.
To summarize, in the natural representation of an element, if the datatype of an attribute is complex, then there is a single triple whose object is the complex datatype. Otherwise the datatype of the attribute is simple and there is one triple for each fpdt:value triple.
Usage of Literal Datatypes
Text is represented as plain text, not xsd:string, if it does not contain formatting markup, and as rdf:XMLLiteral if it does, in which case the markup should use XHTML. Integers are represented by xsd:integer. Decimal and floating point numbers are represented by xsd:decimal. Days of a calendar are represented by xsd:date and timestamps are represented by xsd:dateTime.
Focal Point Attribute Datatypes - Abstract Classes
The following classes are used to organize the set of Focal Point datatypes. They do not correspond to datatypes that an attribute may be assigned using the administrator user interface.
Type |
RDF Class |
RDF SuperClass |
Description |
Complex Datatype |
fpdt:ComplexDatatype |
fpdt:Datatype |
The superclass of all Focal Point complex datatypes. |
Datatype |
fpdt:Datatype |
n/a |
The superclass of all Focal Point datatypes. |
Simple Datatype |
fpdt:SimpleDatatype |
fpdt:Datatype |
The superclass of all Focal Point simple datatypes. |
Table |
fpdt:Table |
fpdt:ComplexDatatype |
The superclass of table-like datatypes, fpdt:Matrix and fpdt:Sheet. |
fpdt:Datatype is the class of all Focal Point datatypes.
fpdt:SimpleDatatype is a subclass of fpdt:Datatype. There may be zero or more fpdt:value triples in a simple datatype resource. In the natural representation of elements, each fpdt:value triple maps to a corresponding triple whose subject is the element, predicate is the URI associated with the attribute, and object is the object of the fpdt:value triple. fpdt:value therefore acts as a placeholder for the property URI associated with the attribute.
fpdt:ComplexDatatype is a subclass of fpdt:Datatype. It contains all complex datatypes. A complex datatype never contains fpdt:value properties. A complex datatype appears in both the natural and the generic graphs.
Identifying Parts of a Complex Datatype Using URI References
In general, a complex datatype is a resource that has many properties and contains other subordinate resources. We identify a complex datatype resource and its subordinate resources using URI references. These are URIs that include a fragment identifier. The base of the URI is the URI of the parent fps:Attribute resource whose rdf:value is the complex datatype resource. For example, a fpdt:Matrix resource is identified by a URI reference <#matrix> that is relative to the parent fps:Attribute resource URI.
Representing Containment Relations Using Multivalued Membership Properties on the Parent Resources
We represent the containment relation between resources using a multivalued property on the parent resource. For example, a fpdt:Matrix contains rows and columns. These containment relations are represented by fpdt:row and fpdt:column properties on the matrix. The rows and columns are identified by URI references like <#row-1> and <#column-A>. This design enables easy navigation from the parent to the child and facilitates interactive exploration and understanding of the structure of the resource.
Representing Order Using Sort Key Properties on the Children Resources
In some cases the order of the children is significant. There is often a natural property of the child resource that can serve as a sort key. For example, it is natural to sort fpdt:ChangeEvent resources by their dcterms:modified property. When no such natural sort key is provided, the order must be represented explicitly. Although it is possible to represent an ordered list using rdf:List and rdf:Seq, both of these techniques make SPARQL queries more difficult to write. We therefore introduce an explicit sequence number property, e.g. fpdt:rowNo, where a sort key is needed to represent the order. We also use fpdt:i as a generic sequence number, normally starting from 1. The use of sort key properties is SPARQL query friendly, and allows for more than one sort key where the need arises. For example, it is useful to sort fpdt:Cell resources by both fpdt:rowNo and fpdt:columnNo.
fpdt:Table is a complex datatype that represents a rectangular array of cells. Each cell is the intersection of a row and a column. The rows and columns of the table may have headings.
FPDatatypeExamplesMatrix for an example.
Tables are identified as URI references like <#matrix>, <#sheet-1>.
Columns are identified like <#column-A>, <#column-1-A>.
Rows are identified like <#row-1>, <#row-1-1>.
Cells are identified like <#cell-A-1>, <#cell-1-A-1>.
The content of
Tables use the following classes:
Class |
Description |
fpdt:Table |
A rectangular table of values. |
fpdt:Column |
A column in a table. |
fpdt:Row |
A row in a table. |
fpdt:Cell |
A cell in a table. |
Table, row, column, and cell resources are identified using URI references that are based on the URI of their parent fps:Attribute resource.
fpdt:Table is used as the base class for fpdt:Matrix and fpdt:Sheet.
The rows, columns, and cells of a table are organized into a containment hierarchy. A table contains columns and rows. A row contains cells.
Tables use the following properties:
Subject Type |
Predicate |
Object Type |
Description |
fpdt:Table |
fpdt:row |
fpdt:Row |
Multivalued. A row that is contained in the table. |
fpdt:Table |
fpdt:column |
fpdt:Column |
Multivalued. A column that is contained in the table. |
fpdt:Column |
fpdt:columnNo |
xsd:integer |
The column number, starting from 1, within the table. |
fpdt:Column |
rdfs:label |
plain text literal |
The column label, e.g. "A", "B" . |
fdpt:Column |
rdf:value |
any |
The column heading, e.g. "Cost", "Revenue". |
fpdt:Row |
fpdt:rowNo |
xsd:integer |
The row number, starting from 1, within the table. |
fpdt:Row |
rdf:value |
any |
The row heading, e.g. "Q1", "Q2". |
fpdt:Row |
fpdt:cell |
fpdt:Cell |
Mutlivalued. A cell that is contained in the row. |
fpdt:Cell |
rdf:value |
any |
The value of the cell. |
fpdt:Cell |
fpdt:rowNo |
xsd:integer |
The row number of the row that contains this cell. |
fpdt:Cell |
fpdt:columnNo |
xsd:integer |
The column number of the column of this cell. |
Focal Point Attribute Datatypes - Concrete Classes
The following classes are Focal Point datatypes that an attribute may be assigned via the administrator user interface. fpdt:History and fpdt:List have subclasses.
Focal Point supports the following datatypes as values of attributes:
Type |
RDF Class |
RDF SuperClass |
Description |
Check box |
fpdt:CheckBox |
fpdt:SimpleDatatype |
A box that a member can select or clear to turn an option on or off. |
Choice |
fpdt:Choice |
fpdt:SimpleDatatype |
A list of predefined items that a member may select a single item from (e.g. status). |
Date |
fpdt:Date |
fpdt:SimpleDatatype |
A date value (for example 3/31/2010). |
File |
fpdt:File |
fpdt:ComplexDatatype |
A document, image or other file in the database, or a list of such files. Maximum total size is 50 MB. |
Float |
fpdt:Float |
fpdt:SimpleDatatype |
A real number that contains a fractional part (e.g. 3.14). |
Heading |
fpdt:Heading |
fpdt:SimpleDatatype |
An attribute consisting only of a title, used primarily for layout purposes. |
History |
fpdt:History |
fpdt:ComplexDatatype |
History can display attribute or element history for an element. |
Incoming Links |
fpdt:IncomingLinks |
fpdt:SimpleDatatype |
A list of elements that link to this element. |
Integer |
fpdt:Integer |
fpdt:SimpleDatatype |
A real number that contains no fractional part (e.g. 42). |
Integration Link |
fpdt:IntegrationLink |
fpdt:SimpleDatatype |
A list of link OSLC resources residing in a different repository. |
Link |
fpdt:Link |
fpdt:SimpleDatatype |
A link from one element to another. The target can be either in this workspace, or in another workspace. |
List |
fpdt:List |
fpdt:ComplexDatatype |
A list is a collection of either text attributes or link attributes. |
Lock |
fpdt:Lock |
fdpt:SimpleDatatype |
A selection of attributes that can be locked from editing. When the lock attribute is activated for an element the attributes selected in the lock attribute cannot be edited and the element cannot be deleted. |
Matrix |
fpdt:Matrix |
fpdt:Table |
A matrix attribute consists of several text, float or integer attributes in a grid. |
Mirror |
fpdt:Mirror |
fpdt:Datatype |
A mirrored value of another attribute in another element. |
Multichoice |
fpdt:MultiChoice |
fpdt:SimpleDatatype |
A list of predefined items that a member may select multiple items from. |
Text |
fpdt:Text |
fpdt:SimpleDatatype |
A text field where a member enters and edits text. |
Time Grid |
fpdt:TimeGrid |
fpdt:ComplexDatatype |
Use this for calculations based on a time line. |
fpdt:Url |
fpdt:SimpleDatatype |
A link to a specific resource on the Internet (e.g. |
Unique id |
fpdt:UniqueId |
fpdt:SimpleDatatype |
A text field where the value must be unique. When new elements are created, the unique id attribute is automatically assigned a unique value. |
Version |
fpdt:Version |
fpdt:SimpleDatatype |
A number or character that automatically increases based on changes in other attributes. |
fpdt:CheckBox is a simple datatype.
fpdt:Choice is a simple datatype.
fpdt:Date is a simple datatype.
fpdt:File is a complex datatype that contains a list of zero or more file attachments. Each attachment has a title, content type, and content length.
FPDatatypeExamplesFile for an example.
A fpdt:File resource should be identified by a URI reference <#file> based on the URI of its parent fps:Attribute resource.
Files use the following class:
A fpdt:Attachment resource should be identified by a URI reference like <#attachment-1> based on the URI of its parent fps:Attribute resource.
Files use the following properties:
Subject Type |
Predicate |
Object Type |
Description |
fpdt:File |
fpdt:attachment |
fpdt:Attachment |
Multivalued. A file attachment. |
fpdt:Attachment |
fpdt:content |
resource URI |
The content of the attached file. An octet stream. |
fpdt:Attachment |
fpdt:contentType |
plain text literal |
The content type of the attached file, e.g. "text/plain". |
fpdt:Attachment |
fpdt:contentLength |
xsd:integer |
The length in bytes of the attached file, e.g. 4200. |
fpdt:Attachment |
dcterms:title |
plain text literal |
The title of the attached file, e.g. "error.log". |
fpdt:Attachment |
fpdt:i |
xsd:integer |
The position of the attachment in the list, starting from 1. |
fpdt:Float is a simple datatype.
fpdt:Heading is a simple datatype. It is a pseudo-attribute used for organizing other attributes. It has no primary value.
fpdt:History is a complex datatype. It shows the change history of attribute values. Attributes must enable logging of changes in order for them to be included in a history attribute. The history attribute value may be either none, a graph, or a table. The table may contain a selected attribute or all the attributes of an element. These cases correspond to the following concrete subclasses of fpdt:History which is itself an abstract class:
Subclass |
Description |
fpdt:HistoryNone |
No history is provided. |
fpdt:HistoryGraph |
History of one or more numeric attributes is provided as a graph. |
fpdt:HistoryAttributeTable |
History of one attribute is provided as a table. |
fpdt:HistoryElementTable |
History of all attributes in an element is provided as a table. |
fpdt:HistoryNone has no properties. This allows the user to turn off a history attribute without deleting it.
A fpdt:HistoryGraph resource should be identified by the URI reference <#historynone>.
The URI reference is based on the URI of its parent fps:Attribute resource.
fpdt:HistoryGraph is a graph that displays zero or more time series of numeric values.
Each time series contains the historical values of an integer or float attribute, displayed as a line or bar graph, with on optional trend line.
The graph is an image. The size of the image and the time range are controlled by the user.
FPDatatypeExamplesHistoryGraph for an example.
A fpdt:HistoryGraph resource should be identified by the URI reference <#historygraph>.
The URI reference is based on the URI of its parent fps:Attribute resource.
Subject Type |
Predicate |
Object Type |
Description |
fpdt:HistoryGraph |
fpdt:image |
URL of image |
The link to the image of the graph. |
fpdt:HistoryGraph |
fpdt:size |
fpdt:Size |
The size of the graph. |
fpdt:HistoryGraph |
fpdt:rangeFrom |
xsd:Date |
The start of the time range. This is either a fixed date of the value of some date attribute. |
fpdt:HistoryGraph |
fpdt:rangeFromAttribute |
plain text literal |
Optional. If a date attribute is used to define the start of the range, this is its name. |
fpdt:HistoryGraph |
fpdt:rangeTo |
xsd:Date |
The end of the time range. This is either a fixed date of the value of some date attribute. |
fpdt:HistoryGraph |
fpdt:rangeToAttribute |
plain text literal |
Optional. If a date attribute is used to define the end of the range, this is its name. |
fpdt:HistoryGraph |
fpdt:timeSeries |
fpdt:GraphTimeSeries |
A time series of numeric attribute history values. This is a multivalued property. The graph may contain zero or more time series. |
ftdt:HistoryGraph uses the following enumerated resources:
Resource |
Class |
Description |
fpdt:Small |
fpdt:Size |
Size small. |
fpdt:Medium |
fpdt:Size |
Size medium. |
fpdt:Large |
fpdt:Size |
Size large. |
fpdt:GraphTimeSeries is a series of numeric attribute history values displayed in a graph, with an optional trend line.
Each fpdt:GraphTimeSeries should be identified by a URI reference <#series-1>, <#series-2>, etc. where the number is a the sequence number of the time series within the graph.
The URI reference is based on the URI of its parent fps:Attribute resource.
Subject Type |
Predicate |
Object Type |
Description |
fpdt:GraphTimeSeries |
fpdt:i |
xsd:integer |
The sequence number of the series, starting from 1. |
fpdt:GraphTimeSeries |
fpdt:forAttribute |
plain text literal |
The name of the attribute whose history is being graphed. |
fpdt:GraphTimeSeries |
fps:property |
The property URI of the attribute whose history is being graphed. |
fpdt:GraphTimeSeries |
fpdt:displayType |
fpdt:DisplayType |
The display type of the graph. |
fpdt:GraphTimeSeries |
fpdt:sampleInterval |
fpdt:TimeInterval |
Optional. If absent then all of the history values within the range are graphed. If present, then only the most recent value within the specified time interval is graphed. |
fpdt:GraphTimeSeries |
fpdt:trendLine |
fpdt:TrendLine |
Optional. If present, a trend line is included in the graph. |
fpdt:GraphTimeSeries |
fpdt:changeEvent |
fpdt:ChangeEvent |
Multivalued. The set of change events determined by the date range and the sample interval. |
ftdt:GraphTimeSeries uses the following enumerated resources:
Resource |
Class |
Description |
fpdt:Bar |
fpdt:DisplayType |
Display as bar chart. |
fpdt:Line |
fpdt:DisplayType |
Display as line chart. |
fpdt:Year |
fpdt:TimeInterval |
A year. |
fpdt:Quarter |
fpdt:TimeInterval |
A quarter of a year. |
fpdt:Month |
fpdt:TimeInterval |
A month. |
fpdt:Week |
fpdt:TimeInterval |
A week. |
fpdt:Day |
fpdt:TimeInterval |
A day. |
fpdt:TrendLine is a straight line that is fitted to the time series of historical values of an attribute.
Each fpdt:TrendLine should be identified by a URI reference <#trendline-1>, <#trendline-2>, etc. where the number corresponds to its fpdt:TimeSeries resource.
The URI reference is based on the URI of its parent fps:Attribute resource.
Subject Type |
Predicate |
Object Type |
Description |
fpdt:TrendLine |
fpdt:valueFrom |
xsd:double |
The value of the trend line at the start of the range. |
fpdt:TrendLine |
fpdt:valueTo |
xsd:double |
The value of the trend line at the end of the range. |
fpdt:TrendLine |
fdtp:fitToRange |
xsd:boolean |
True if the trend line is computed for historical values within the range of the graph. Otherwise, the trend line is fitted to all historical values. |
fpdt:ChangeEvent represents a single change of some attribute. For graphs, the change event contains the time of the event and the new value of the attribute.
Each fpdt:ChangeEvent should be identified by a URI reference <#event-1-1>, <#event-1-2>, etc. where the first number corresponds to its fpdt:TimeSeries resource and the second number is the sequence number of the event within the time series.
The URI reference is based on the URI of its parent fps:Attribute resource.
Subject Type |
Predicate |
Object Type |
Description |
fpdt:ChangeEvent |
dcterms:modified |
xsd:dateTime |
The time of the change event. |
fpdt:ChangeEvent |
rdf:value |
xsd:integer or xsd:double |
The new value of the changed attribute. |
fpdt:HistoryAttributeTable is a complex datatype that contains a series of change events for a given attribute. The attribute must enable change logging in order to appear in a fpdt:HistoryAttributeTable.
FPDatatypeExamplesHistoryAttributeTable for an example.
A fpdt:HistoryAttributeTable resource should be identified by the URI reference <#historyattributetable>.
The URI reference is based on the URI of its parent fps:Attribute resource.
Subject Type |
Predicate |
Object Type |
Description |
fpdt:HistoryAttributeTable |
fpdt:forAttribute |
plain text literal |
The name of the attribute whose history is being provided. |
fpdt:HistoryAttributeTable |
fps:property |
The property URI of the attribute whose history is being graphed. |
fpdt:HistoryAttributeTable |
fpdt:includeLast |
10 or 20 |
Optional. If absent include all change events. If present include last 10 or 20 change events. |
fpdt:HistoryAttributeTable |
fpdt:changeEvent |
fpdt:ChangeEvent |
Multivalued. The set of change events determined by the last limit if present. |
Each fpdt:ChangeEvent should be identified by a URI reference <#event-1>, <#event-2>, etc. where the number is the sequence number of the event within the table, oldest first.
The URI reference is based on the URI of its parent fps:Attribute resource.
Subject Type |
Predicate |
Object Type |
Description |
fpdt:ChangeEvent |
dcterms:modified |
xsd:dateTime |
The time of the change event. |
fpdt:ChangeEvent |
fps:modifiedBy |
foaf:Person |
The URI of the user that modified the attribute. |
fpdt:ChangeEvent |
rdf:value |
any |
The new value of the changed attribute. |
fpdt:HistoryElementTable is a complex datatype that contains a series of change events for all the attributes of an element. Only the attributes that have enabled change logging will appear in a fpdt:HistoryElementTable.
A fpdt:HistoryElementTable resource should be identified by the URI reference <#historyelementtable>.
The URI reference is based on the URI of its parent fps:Attribute resource.
Its structure is very similar to fpdt:HistoryAttributeTable. See
FPDatatypeExamplesHistoryElementTable for an example.
Subject Type |
Predicate |
Object Type |
Description |
fpdt:HistoryElementTable |
fpdt:includeLast |
10 or 20 |
Optional. If absent include all change events. If present include last 10 or 20 change events. |
fpdt:HistoryElementTable |
fpdt:changeEvent |
fpdt:ChangeEvent |
Multivalued. The set of change events determined by the last limit if present. |
Each fpdt:ChangeEvent should be identified by a URI reference <#event-1>, <#event-2>, etc. where the number is the sequence number of the event within the table, newest first.
The URI reference is based on the URI of its parent fps:Attribute resource.
Subject Type |
Predicate |
Object Type |
Description |
fpdt:ChangeEvent |
dcterms:modified |
xsd:dateTime |
The time of the change event. |
fpdt:ChangeEvent |
fps:modifiedBy |
foaf:Person |
The URI of the user that modified the attribute. |
fpdt:ChangeEvent |
fps:property |
The property URI of the changed attribute. |
fpdt:ChangeEvent |
rdf:value |
any |
The new value of the changed attribute. |
fpdt:IncomingLinks is a simple datatype. It is the set of incoming links from other elements. There may be zero or more incoming links.
fpdt:Integer is a simple datatype.
fpdt:IntegrationLink is a simple datatype. It is a link to another resource.
fpdt:Link is a simple datatype. It is a link to another element.
fpdt:List is a base datatype. Lists may contain either text or links to other elements. These are represented by concrete subclasses.
fpdt:LinkList is a simple datatype. It is subclass of fpdt:List that contains a set of zero or more links to other elements.
FPDatatypeExamplesLinkList for an example.
fpdt:TextList is a simple datatype. It is a subclass of fpdt:List that contains a set of zero or more entries. Each entry contain text, the timestamp of the entry, and the user who made the entry.
FPDatatypeExamplesTextList for an example.
Note that although fpdt:TextList is structurally similar to oslc:Discussion, their semantics are different since comments posted to a discussion are assumed to be immutable. In contrast, text list entries can be freely added, deleted, and modified.
fpdt:TextEntry is a mutable text entry in an ordered list.
Each fpdt:TextEntry should be identified by a URI reference <#entry-1>, <#entry-2>, etc. where the number is the sequence number of the entry within the list.
The URI reference is based on the URI of its parent fps:Attribute resource.
Subject Type |
Predicate |
Object Type |
Description |
fpdt:TextEntry |
dcterms:description |
XMLLiteral |
The XHTML text of the entry. |
fpdt:TextEntry |
dcterms:created |
xsd:dateTime |
The timestamp of when the entry was created. |
fpdt:TextEntry |
dcterms:contributor |
foaf:Person |
The user that created the entry. |
fpdt:TextEntry |
dcterms:modified |
xsd:dateTime |
The timestamp of when the entry was last modified. |
fpdt:TextEntry |
fps:modifiedBy |
foaf:Person |
The user that last modified the entry. |
fpdt:TextEntry |
fpdt:i |
xsd:integer |
The sequence number, starting with 1, of the entry within the list. |
fpdt:Lock is a simple datatype. When set to true it prevents deletion of the element or modification of a configured set of attributes.
fpdt:Matrix is a complex datatype. It is a subclass of fpdt:Table. See
FPDatatypeExamplesMatrix for an example.
fpdt:Mirror inherits the datatype of the attribute that it mirrors.
fpdt:MultiChoice is a simple datatype.
fpdt:Text is a simple datatype.
TimeGrid is a complex datatype. See
FPDatatypeExamplesTimeGrid for an example.
A timegrid has one or more sheets. Each sheet is a table in which the columns represent time periods.
Each sheet in a time grid has a name, start date, end date, time interval, and scenario type. The time interval and scenario type take values from an enumerated set of allowed values.
Each row of a time grid may be a summary, heading, locked, benefit, or cost, and may have a unit.
fpdt:TimeGrid uses the following classes:
Class |
Description |
fpdt:Sheet |
The set of time grid sheets. A sheet is a table with additional properties. This class is a subclass of fpdt:Table. |
fpdt:TimeInterval |
The set of allowed time intervals in a time grid. |
fpdt:ScenarioType |
The set of allowed scenario types in a time grid. |
fpdt:TimeGrid uses the following enumerated values:
Resource |
Class |
Description |
fpdt:Month |
fpdt:TimeInterval |
A time interval of one month. |
fpdt:Quarter |
fpdt:TimeInterval |
A time interval of one quarter. |
fpdt:Year |
fpdt:TimeInterval |
A time interval of one year. |
fpdt:High |
fpdt:ScenarioType |
The scenario estimates the high value. |
fpdt:Likely |
fpdt:ScenarioType |
The scenario estimates the most likely value. |
fpdt:Low |
fpdt:ScenarioType |
The scenario estimates the low value. |
fpdt:Actual |
fpdt:ScenarioType |
The scenario gives the actual value. |
fpdt:TimeGrid uses the following properties:
Subject Type |
Predicate |
Object Type |
Description |
fpdt:TimeGrid |
fpdt:sheet |
fpdt:Sheet |
A sheet that is contained in this time grid. |
fpdt:Sheet |
fpdt:i |
xsd:integer |
The sequence number of the sheet within the timegrid, starting with 1. |
fpdt:Sheet |
rdfs:label |
plain text literal |
The name of this sheet. |
fpdt:Sheet |
fpdt:timeInterval |
fpdt:TimeInterval |
The time interval used for this sheet. |
fpdt:Sheet |
fpdt:startDate |
xsd:date |
The start date of this sheet. |
fpdt:Sheet |
fpdt:endDate |
xsd:date |
The end date of this sheet. |
fpdt:Sheet |
fpdt:scenarioType |
fpdt:ScenarioType |
Optional. The scenario type of this scheet. If absent then the scenario type is unset. |
fpdt:Row |
fpdt:isSummary |
xsd:boolean |
true if the row is a summary. |
fpdt:Row |
fpdt:isHeading |
xsd:boolean |
true if the row is a heading. |
fpdt:Row |
fpdt:isLocked |
xsd:boolean |
true if the row is locked. |
fpdt:Row |
fpdt:isBenefit |
xsd:boolean |
true if the row is a benefit. false if the row is a cost. |
fpdt:Row |
fpdt:unit |
plain text literal |
The unit of measure for this row. |
fpdt:Url is a simple datatype.
fpdt:UniqueId is a simple datatype.
fpdt:Version is a simple datatype.
These examples are provided for purposes of illustration. We have tried to keep them consistent with the specification, but some inconsistencies may exist. In these cases, the specification is the authoritative source of information.