r8 - 2013-05-31 - 23:23:19 - Main.sktayibmYou are here: TWiki >  Deployment Web > DeploymentTroubleshooting > IntegrationsTroubleshooting > WhyDoISeeDifferentBuildErrorsInRationalApplicationDeveloperAndInTheRTCBuildResults

new.png Why do I see different build errors in Rational Application Developer and Rational Team Concert build results?

Authors: IntegrationsTroubleshootingTeam
Build basis: RTC 4.x, Rational Application Developer 8.5.x, Rational Software Architect For WebSphere 8.5.x

This page describes the reasons you can get a succesful build result in Rational Team Concert when the corresponding Rational Application Developer build failed, or why a workspace that builds correctly in Rational Application Developer might fail using Ant builds run by the Jazz Build Engine.

Initial assessment


  • Your Rational Application Developer workspace builds succesfully in interactive mode. When you try to build it using an Ant script and an ANT build in Jazz Build Engine, you get errors like:
    [javac] C:\Program Files 
    cannot find symbol 
    [javac] symbol : method required() 
    [javac] location: @interface javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlElementRef 
    [javac] @XmlElementRef(name = "name", type = JAXBElement.class, required= false) 

  • You run a Rational Application Developer build by invoking a command line build with Jazz Build Engine. The Rational Application Developer build has errors, but the Jazz Build Engine shows a succesful build result.

Recommended data gathering and subsequent analysis steps

  • What type of build definition do you run: command line, Ant,...?
  • What type of Ant tasks do you use? In particular, do you build using the following task (from the Ant distribution)
    or the following task (from Rational Application Developer)?

Possible causes

Classpath problems

If you are having errors because classes, types, symbols cannot be resolved, it is likely an issue with the classpath you need to supply to

Such issues can be avoided altogether by using the Rational Application Developer specific task:
This task does not require any classpath setup (because it reads that information from the project metadata).

Error propagation problems

If you are using the Rational Application Developer tasks for building in a command line Rational Team Concert build definition, any errors reported inside the script are not automatically propagated to the Rational Team Concert build results. Logic inside your script will need to perform such error propagation. You will need to use Jazz build Ant tasks to communicate to the Rational Team Concert build results specific error messages generated by Rational Application Developer Ant tasks. This requires that you execute the build inside a shell-sharing installation of Rational Application Developer and the Rational Team Concert Client for Eclipse (Extension install).

Possible solutions

Here are two technotes that show (with an example) how to solve both types of problems.

Related topics:

External links:

Additional contributors: LaraZiosi

Questions and comments:

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