This page describes known defects that cause unexpected validation or code generation errors to be reported by an IDE such as IBM Rational Application Developer or IBM Rational Software Architect for WebSphere, when they are installed in the same IBM Installation Manager Package group as IBM Rational Team Concert Client for Eclipse IDE. This configuration is also known as a "shell-sharing".
Initial assessment
If the symptom is related to Validation errors:
Validate the projects in the shell-sharing configuration, with the projects shared in a Rational Team Concert Repository. Save the validation errors to a file.
Validate the same projects in another workspace, where they are not shared in a Rational Team Concert Repository. Save the validation errors to a file.
Validate the same projects in another installation of the IDE, which is not shell-sharing with IBM Rational Team Concert Client. Save the validation errors to a file.
If there are differences in the number of validation errors reported in these three cases, then you are likely facing a product defect.
Possible causes and solutions
Unexpected validation errors
If both Rational Team Concert and Rational Application Developer are installed in a shell-sharing configuration, references from the soap envelope schema,, are unresolved. This is due to APAR PM30397 which was fixed in Rational Application Developer versions and 8.0.3.
If both Rational Team Concert and Rational Application Developer are installed in a shell-sharing configuration, validating a WSDL file contained in a project that is shared in Rational Team Concert gives unexpected validation errors if there are spaces in the Project names. This is due to APAR PM92874. As a workaround, you can rename the projects so that they do not contain any spaces.
Unexpected code generation errors
Attempts to generate Java code from a XSD file might fail when the project is shared in Rational Team Concert Repository. This is due to the following APAR PM63065. This APAR was resolved in v8.0.4.2 and v8.5.1.