This page covers the basics and the pitfalls when trying to create an Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration (OSLC) link from IBM Rational DOORS to Rational Quality Manager (RQM) or Rational Team Concert (RTC). This configuration uses backlinks, which means when you create a link in Rational DOORS, it writes to the artifact in RTC or RQM. The same happens if you create a link in RTC or RQM, that must write to Rational DOORS. As the link information is stored in both tools, write access to both tools is required.
Initial assessment
- A link from RTC or RQM is not created. The effect is, when looking at a work item or test case, the related Rational DOORS requirement is not seen and no hover over is possible.
- A backlink from Rational DOORS to RTC or RQM is not created. In this case, the link is there in RTC or RQM and the users in those tools can see the related requirement. However, the users in Rational DOORS have no knowledge that the link exists. For example, they may not see that the Rational DOORS requirement is linked to an RTC work item or RQM test case.
This may impact all users. Or it may be specific to a user or data set.
Data gathering and subsequent analysis steps
Note if there is any error given.
Check to see if the link is created in either tool.
Check if the link can be created from another object in Rational DOORS.
Check if the link can be created to another artifact in RQM or RTC.
See if it works in the other direction - from RQM or RTC to Rational DOORS.
See if it works from Rational DOORS Web Access in Microsoft Internet Explorer.
As a
last step, Fiddler can be useful to capture the http calls. Fiddler can be used from Rational DOORS version onwards.
To configure Fiddler, set two system environment variables:
If RQM or RTC are running in https mode, under
Tools-Fiddler Options set it to
Decrypt HTTPS Traffic
. Then look for the GET/POST/PUT requests and any errors or anomalies.
Possible causes and solutions
There are some defects, particularly in early versions. See:
Using Rational Team Concert integration crashes Rational DOORS when Japanese Microsoft Office IME is used
CRCRW5065I error creating a link from Rational DOORS Web Access to Rational Team Concert
If the issue is specific to a Rational DOORS object or RQM/RTC artifact, check for characters in the title or description that might break it. For example, square brackets are known to break linking from DOORS to RQM in Rational DOORS and earlier.
Make sure that the user has write access to the object in Rational DOORS and the artifact in RQM or RTC. In Rational DOORS, the user must be able create an external link. In RQM or RTC, the user must be able create a link of the type selected (for example: implemented by; validated by). Permissions issues could also be temporary due to to locking. See:
Creating a collaboration link from Rational DOORS to Rational Team Concert results in "The object could not be created" error
Internet Explorer
Ensure the Rational DOORS client can find the Jazz server in
Microsoft Internet Explorer. The Rational DOORS client only runs on Windows; therefore, Internet Explorer is always installed. Rational DOORS is hardcoded to use Internet Explorer DLLs to load content from OSLC providers. As a result, Internet Explorer must work. If, for example, you want to link Rational DOORS and RTC, it must be possible to login to RTC from Internet Explorer. This is irrespective of whether Internet Explorer is the user's default or preferred browser. For Rational DOORS to work with RTC, Internet Explorer must be able find RTC because if it cannot, neither can Rational DOORS. It is also important to take note of any security messages and don't allow IE to block anything.
Creating link to Rational DOORS in RTC results in "Navigation to the webpage was cancelled" error
Submitting an Implementation Request from Rational DOORS to Rational Team Concert results in error "HTTP Status 404 error"
External links:
Additional contributors: MaeveOReilly