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r4 - 2019-04-16 - 09:40:06 - Main.narasim_5f7You are here: TWiki >  Deployment Web > WebPreferences > RTC6061Beans > Rtc6061ScmMetricsTask


Build basis:

Refer to VersionContentMetricsTask for SCM Mbeans in 605.

SCM Stream Metrics

This captures information about SCM streams, including the name, owner, the number of snapshots, the number of contained components and their history size.

Advanced Property

You enable this bean by setting Enable SCM stream metrics to true

Other properties

Name Description Default Value
Custom attribute key Specifies a custom attribute key that streams and components should be tagged with to enable metrics collection for them. An empty string means metrics will be collected for streams, and components that are owned by a project or team area.  

Object Name

com.ibm.team.scm:name="<app-context>", type=com.ibm.team.scm.Workspace, itemName=*, itemId=*

Default Frequency for Publishing

1 Week


Attribute Description Type
numComponents The number of components contained in this stream java.lang.Long
nodeId This is the application node id in case the CLM application is clustered String
contextRoot This is the application root context for the CLM application String
host This is the host name where the CLM application is running String
port This is the port number where the CLM application is accessible on the host. The value is -1 if the port is not set Integer
creationTimeStamp This is the time when the MBean was updated with a snapshot of the relevant data Timestamp
domain This is the namespace for the application under which the MBean data is published String
owner The owner of the stream CompositeData
itemType The type of item String
components The components contained in this stream ArrayType
snapshots The number of snapshots owned by this stream Long
itemId The item ID String
name The name of the item String

owner Attributes

Attribute Description Type
name The name of the item String
itemId The item ID String
itemType The type of item. Usually a project or team area String

components Attributes

Attribute Description Type
operationsInHistory The number of operations performed on this component in the stream Long
changeSetsInHistory The number of change sets in the history of this component in the stream Long
itemId The item ID String
itemType The type of item String
name The name of the item String
numSelections The number of state selections in the configuration for this component in the stream Long
numSelectionsBase The number of state selections in the base configuration for this component in the stream Long

SCM Component Metrics

This captures information about SCM components, including the name, owner, content size, and the numbers of contained baselines, change sets, and workspaces that contain the component.

Advanced Property

You enable this bean by setting Enable SCM Component Metrics to true

Other properties

Name Description Default Value
Custom attribute key Specifies a custom attribute key that streams and components should be tagged with to enable metrics collection for them. An empty string means metrics will be collected for streams, and components that are owned by a project or team area.  

Object Name

com.ibm.team.scm:name="<app-context>", type=com.ibm.team.scm.Component, itemName=*, itemId=* 

Default Frequency for Publishing 1 Week


Attribute Description Type
name The name of the item String
nodeId This is the application node id in case the CLM application is clustered String
contextRoot This is the application root context for the CLM application String
host This is the host name where the CLM application is running String
port This is the port number where the CLM application is accessible on the host. The value is -1 if the port is not set Integer
creationTimeStamp This is the time when the MBean was updated with a snapshot of the relevant data Timestamp
domain This is the namespace for the application under which the MBean data is published String
owner The owner of the component CompositeType
itemType The type of the item String
baselines The number of baselines in the component Long
totalNoOfContent The number of unique content objects claimed by files in this component Long
changeSets The number of change sets in this component Long
dbSize The total size of compressed data stored in the database for content claimed by files in this component Long
baselineConfigs The number of configurations that correspond to baselines in this component Long
containingWorkspaces The number of workspaces or streams that contain this component Long
externalStores A list of external content repositories in which content is stored for this component. This value will be empty if all content is stored in the CCM database ArrayType
itemId The Item ID String
totalSize The total uncompressed size of content claimed by files in this component Long

owner Attributes

Attribute Description Type
Name The name of the item String
itemId The item ID String
itemType The type of item. Usually a project or team area or user String

externalStore attributes

Attribute Description Type
totalNoOfContent The number of content blobs stored in this external content repository Long
externalURI The External Content Repository URI String
totalSize The total uncompressed size of all content stored in this external content repository Long

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