This page is the starting point for information and techniques to help diagnose and troubleshoot upgrade issues when upgrading Rational Reporting for Development Intelligence (RRDI) servers.
Before upgrading
Upgrade Philosophy
During an RRDI Upgrade, you may be advised on some 'philosophies' on how to be best successful in your upgrade. Below we discuss some of these items.
Always upgrade CLM before RRDI
We advise the upgrade of CLM prior to RRDI to ensure that the data warehouse is at the correct level prior to an RRDI upgrade. If you choose to upgrade RRDI first, be prepared to see a "The datawarehouse was created by a previous version" error. The workaround is discussed below under Performing the Upgrade.
Always keep RRDI and CLM at the same version level
This is a recommendation to ensure that you are using a tested compatible version of both products, as well as utilizing all features or changes. However, this is not a hard rule. See
Version Compatibility for more information on which versions are supported together if you cannot keep RRDI and CLM at the same version.
You must download RRDI Installation Repository to install
While you have the option to download the RRDI Installation Repository from to install RRDI, you can also upgrade in-place referencing the repositories on
Performing the upgrade
This section will discuss known issues that can occur during the outlined steps of the upgrade for the Rational Reporting for Development Intelligence server.
Install the new version RRDI
- Some installation issues:
Technote 1665912: RRDI Installation or upgrade fails with wrong MD5
Technote 1567843: Installation fails with error "CRRRD4515E Error creating table spaces"
Starting the setup wizard for RRDI and proceeding with its configuration
Error "The datawarehouse was created by a previous version"
This error is indicative that the datawarehouse used by a CLM application was created with an older version. For example, if you are upgrading RRDI to 2.0., this error may occur if CLM is at version 3.0.1. This error is document in
Technote 1614140: Running RRDI Setup during upgrade results in Previous Version error.
Deploying report resources results in CRRRA2083E
Upon deploying the report resources in the setup wizard for RRDI, the following error is seen:
CRRRA2083E: Cannot connect to the report server
For information on this error, see
Technote 1652043: Upgrading RRDI results in CRRRA2083E error during RRDI setup
Uninstalling the previous version of RRDI
Issues during upgrade
If the setup fails, consult the technote
MustGather: Diagnostic information for IBM Rational Reporting Development Intelligence and Insight section RRDI/Insight Setup Wizard for logs
Additional tips may be found under this topic:
Troubleshooting the upgrade of Rational Reporting for Development Intelligence
Proceeding through the steps manually
In some cases, it may be necessary to proceed through a step manually.
These steps are not detailed in the Information Center. There is an
Enhancement (53215) open to have the manual steps documented.
Here are the detailed steps for the setup wizard:
1. Configure Database Management System
2. Configure Content Store Database
3. Configure Data Warehouse
repotools-jts -createWarehouse
- Connect report server to data warehouse
Configure Application Server
5. Configure Rational Reporting User Authentication
Build and Deploy Reporting Components
How to Reinitialize the Setup Wizard
User data (all values entered in the RRDI Setup Wizard) is persisted in a triple store database as a collection of files in the [RRDI-Install-Location]/setup/tool/JazzTeamServer/server/conf/rrdi/repository directory. You may want to re-initialize the setup wizard without having to reinstall. For example, you need to reset the password or change a port. Here are the steps:
1. Back up all the files in
[RRDI-Install-Location]/setup/tool/JazzTeamServer/server/conf/rrdi/repository directory
2. Delete the content of this directory.
3. Start the RRDI Setup Wizard again
4. Re-enter values for all the steps and fields in the Wizard. This will update the RRDI Setup Wizard's configuration data.
Issues after upgrade
Where do I go from here?
If you are unable to resolve your issue using the available online resources, open a service request with IBM Rational Support. Refer to
Additional troubleshooting resources for further details.
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