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This wiki is a repository for Rational deployment guidance and best practices for customers, IBM Business Partners, and Rational staff that goes beyond the basic product and support documentation.
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Deployment planning and design

Effective deployment planning and design will help you build a development environment that meets your business and technical requirements, with flexibility and scalability to meet your future needs. Find deployment topologies and example deployments, design considerations, non-functional design considerations, and performance datasheets.

Are you ready to deploy?

Installing and upgrading

Learn about installation and upgrade practices, and find system requirements for your Rational environment.

Migrating and evolving

Meet the needs of a growing environment by moving data, scaling your infrastructure, or using a new topology.


How to configure and manage integrations between Rational products, Rational legacy products, other IBM products, or third-party software.


Ensure that your environment runs optimally by configuring and tuning your application servers, databases, applications, and more.


Experts provide tips and insight on managing performance statistics, reducing bottlenecks, and maintaining stability.


Find troubleshooting information and techniques to help diagnose issues around performance, upgrade, integrations, and installations.

End users, system and and application views, testing
Jazz users, admins, processes, support, reporting
Solutions, customer scenarios, point-products, services
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