This provides all the errors and warnings from the log files and for each log entry provides additional contextual information like userd id, active configuration, servlet request URL etc. This is useful to understand error log entries occurring in the system when other aspects of the system are misbehaving. This provides a maximum of 1000 entries during the collection interval.
You enable this bean by setting Enable Error Details Mbean to true<<contextRoot>>, type=logEventDetailsMetrics, errorNameAndId=*
Attribute | Description | Type |
errorLevel | This is the level of the error. Values are ERROR or WARN | String |
creationTimeStamp | This is the time when the MBean was updated with a snapshot of the relevant data | Timestamp |
host | This is the host name where the CLM application is running | String |
port | This is the port number where the CLM application is accessible on the host. The value is -1 if the port is not set. | int |
contextRoot | This is the application root context for the CLM application | String |
nodeId | This is the application node id in case the CLM application is clustered | String |
Domain | This is the namespace for the application under which the MBean data is published | String |
contributorId | This is the id of the user who initiated a request that caused this error | String |
accessedUrl | This is the URL accessed in the system when this error occurred | String |
queryString | This is the query string portion of the accessed URL | String |
activeConfigId | This is the active configuration id which the user was working in when the error occurred | String |
errorTime | This is the time of error occurrence | Timestamp |
errorId | This is the error id | String |
errorTitle | This is the error title | String |
errorDetails | This is the details of the error | String |
userId | This is the user id who initiated the request that caused this error | String |
activeConfigName | This is the name of the active configuration in which the user was working when this error occurred | String |
This publishes the server health information including memory usage, DB ping time and status on services and DB connections. This is useful to understand how the server is performing. Most important attribute is the dbPingTime. If the latency between server and DB gets worse it will impact the almost every use case in the product.
You enable this bean by setting Enable Server Metrics MBean to true<<contextRoot>>, type=serverMetrics
Attribute | Description | Type |
maxMemory | The maximum amount of memory that the Java virtual machine will attempt to use in bytes | Long |
creationTimeStamp | This is the time when the MBean was updated with a snapshot of the relevant data | Timestamp |
host | This is the host name where the CLM application is running | String |
port | This is the port number where the CLM application is accessible on the host. The value is -1 if the port is not set. | int |
contextRoot | This is the application root context for the CLM application | String |
nodeId | This is the application node id in case the CLM application is clustered | String |
Domain | This is the namespace for the application under which the MBean data is published | String |
dbPingTime | This is the round trip time from the JTS or application server to the database in milliseconds | Integer |
noOfServicesWithErrorStatus | This is a number of services from all components that have failed to initialize | Integer |
servicesWithErrorStatusMsg | This is the error message associated with all the services not fully initialized | String |
dbConnectionStatus | This is the status of the databse connection. Values are ERROR, OK or WARNING. | String |
dbConnectionStatusMsg | This is message associated with an error for the database connection status | String |
serverstateId | The etag of the jpi prefix mappings reflects the complete state of all prefix mappings. If there are no mappings this value is NA | String |
serverStateMsg | This is message associated with when the server state Id indicates that a server renmae has occured | String |
buildId | This is the build id associated with the server | String |
freeMemory | The amount of free memory in the Java Virtual Machine in bytes | Long |
totalMemory | The total amount of memory in the Java virtual machine in bytes | Long |
This is useful to track the average response time for background tasks and help with tuning the frequency of these and also monitor the degradation in their response time.
You enable this bean by setting Enable Async Task Metrics MBean to true<<contextRoot>>, type=counterMetrics, group=asynchronoustasks, facet=elapsed time in seconds, counterName=*
Attribute | Description | Type |
max | This is the maximum value of the scalar counter | Long |
creationTimeStamp | This is the time when the MBean was updated with a snapshot of the relevant data | Timestamp |
host | This is the host name where the CLM application is running | String |
port | This is the port number where the CLM application is accessible on the host. The value is -1 if the port is not set. | int |
contextRoot | This is the application root context for the CLM application | String |
nodeId | This is the application node id in case the CLM application is clustered | String |
Domain | This is the namespace for the application under which the MBean data is published | String |
name | This is the name of specific counter | String |
group | This is the group that the counter belongs to | String |
facet | This represents a particular aspect of this counter | String |
id | This represents a unique id for this counter | String |
value | This is the current average value of the scalar counter | Long |
min | This is the minimum value of the scalar counter | Long |
This is useful to track the backlog of the background tasks being queued up.
You enable this bean by setting Enable Async Task Metrics MBean to true<<contextRoot>>, type=counterMetrics, group=asynchronoustasks, facet=queuedcount, counterName=*
Attribute | Description | Type |
max | This is the maximum value of the scalar counter | Long |
creationTimeStamp | This is the time when the MBean was updated with a snapshot of the relevant data | Timestamp |
host | This is the host name where the CLM application is running | String |
port | This is the port number where the CLM application is accessible on the host. The value is -1 if the port is not set. | int |
contextRoot | This is the application root context for the CLM application | String |
nodeId | This is the application node id in case the CLM application is clustered | String |
Domain | This is the namespace for the application under which the MBean data is published | String |
name | This is the name of specific counter | String |
group | This is the group that the counter belongs to | String |
facet | This represents a particular aspect of this counter | String |
id | This represents a unique id for this counter | String |
value | This is the current average value of the scalar counter | Long |
min | This is the minimum value of the scalar counter | Long |
This will publish details about the active and completed resource intensive scenarios in the system. This is useful to understand how the resource intensive scenarios are performing and understand what are the active scenarios at any given point in time. It also gives details about the user who requested the scenario.
You enable this bean by setting Enable Scenario Details MBean to true<<contextRoot>>, type=expensiveScenarioDetailsMetrics, scenarioNameAndId=*
Attribute | Description | Type |
duration | This is the total time this scenario was running in millisecs. If the scenario is still active then this value is indicating how long it has been running since it started until the current time when the snapshot was taken. If it is not active then it is the end time minus the start time | Long |
creationTimeStamp | This is the time when the MBean was updated with a snapshot of the relevant data | Timestamp |
host | This is the host name where the CLM application is running | String |
port | This is the port number where the CLM application is accessible on the host. The value is -1 if the port is not set. | int |
contextRoot | This is the application root context for the CLM application | String |
nodeId | This is the application node id in case the CLM application is clustered | String |
Domain | This is the namespace for the application under which the MBean data is published | String |
scenarioName | This is the name of resource intensize scenario | String |
scenarioId | This is a unique id assigned to this instance of the scenario | String |
startTime | This is the start time of the scenario instance | Timestamp |
endTime | This is end time of the scenario instance | Timestamp |
userName | This is name of the user who initiated the scenario | String |
isActive | This is a boolean value indicating if the scenario is completed or not. If it is not completed then the end time attribute is set as -1 | Boolean |
This is useful to understand the sizing for the JDBC pools and if these pool sizes are correctly set for the current concurrency level of the system. If the size is small then higher concurrency will result in operations waiting and is the size is too big then system resources are consumed even though the load does not exist (Article). The different facets are active connections, usage percentage, queue length and wait time.
You enable this bean by setting Enable Resource Usage MBean to true<<contextRoot>>, type=counterMetrics, group=resourceusage, facet=activeconnections, counterName= JDBC connection pool
Attribute | Description | Type |
poolSize | This is the maximum size of the pool | Integer |
creationTimeStamp | This is the time when the MBean was updated with a snapshot of the relevant data | Timestamp |
host | This is the host name where the CLM application is running | String |
port | This is the port number where the CLM application is accessible on the host. The value is -1 if the port is not set. | int |
contextRoot | This is the application root context for the CLM application | String |
nodeId | This is the application node id in case the CLM application is clustered | String |
Domain | This is the namespace for the application under which the MBean data is published | String |
This is useful to understand the sizing for the JDBC pools and if these pool sizes are correctly set for the current concurrency level of the system. This facet highlights the size of the queue of pending connection requests.
You enable this bean by setting Enable Resource Usage MBean to true<<contextRoot>>, type=counterMetrics, group=resourceusage, facet=queuelength, counterName=JDBC connection pool
Attribute | Description | Type |
max | This is the maximum value of the scalar counter | Long |
creationTimeStamp | This is the time when the MBean was updated with a snapshot of the relevant data | Timestamp |
host | This is the host name where the CLM application is running | String |
port | This is the port number where the CLM application is accessible on the host. The value is -1 if the port is not set. | int |
contextRoot | This is the application root context for the CLM application | String |
nodeId | This is the application node id in case the CLM application is clustered | String |
Domain | This is the namespace for the application under which the MBean data is published | String |
name | This is the name of specific counter | String |
group | This is the group that the counter belongs to | String |
facet | This represents a particular aspect of this counter | String |
id | This represents a unique id for this counter | String |
value | This is the current average value of the scalar counter | Long |
min | This is the minimum value of the scalar counter | Long |
This is useful to understand the sizing for the JDBC pools and if these pool sizes are correctly set for the current concurrency level of the system. If the size is small then higher concurrency will result in operations waiting and is the size is too big then system resources are consumed even though the load does not exist (Article). The different facets are active connections, usage percentage, queue length and wait time.
You enable this bean by setting Enable Resource Usage MBean to true<<contextRoot>>, type=counterMetrics, group=resourceusage, facet=usagepercentage, counterName=JDBC connection pool
Attribute | Description | Type![]() |
max | This is the maximum value of the scalar counter | Long |
port | This is the port number where the CLM application is accessible on the host. The value is -1 if the port is not set. | int |
value | This is the current average value of the scalar counter | Long |
min | This is the minimum value of the scalar counter | Long |
host | This is the host name where the CLM application is running | String |
contextRoot | This is the application root context for the CLM application | String |
nodeId | This is the application node id in case the CLM application is clustered | String |
Domain | This is the namespace for the application under which the MBean data is published | String |
name | This is the name of specific counter | String |
group | This is the group that the counter belongs to | String |
facet | This represents a particular aspect of this counter | String |
id | This represents a unique id for this counter | String |
creationTimeStamp | This is the time when the MBean was updated with a snapshot of the relevant data | Timestamp |
This is useful to understand the sizing for the JDBC pools and if these pool sizes are correctly set for the current concurrency level of the system. This facet highlights the size of the queue of pending connection requests.
You enable this bean by setting Enable Resource Usage MBean to true<<contextRoot>>, type=counterMetrics, group=resourceusage, facet=wait time in ms, counterName=JDBC connection pool
Attribute | Description | Type |
max | This is the maximum value of the scalar counter | Long |
creationTimeStamp | This is the time when the MBean was updated with a snapshot of the relevant data | Timestamp |
host | This is the host name where the CLM application is running | String |
port | This is the port number where the CLM application is accessible on the host. The value is -1 if the port is not set. | int |
contextRoot | This is the application root context for the CLM application | String |
nodeId | This is the application node id in case the CLM application is clustered | String |
Domain | This is the namespace for the application under which the MBean data is published | String |
name | This is the name of specific counter | String |
group | This is the group that the counter belongs to | String |
facet | This represents a particular aspect of this counter | String |
id | This represents a unique id for this counter | String |
value | This is the current average value of the scalar counter | Long |
min | This is the minimum value of the scalar counter | Long |
This is useful to understand the sizing for the RDB mediator pools and if these pool sizes are correctly set for the current concurrency level of the system. If the size is small then higher concurrency will result in operations waiting and is the size is too big then system resources are consumed even though the load does not exist (Article). The different facets are active connections, usage percentage, queue length and wait time.
You enable this bean by setting Enable Resource Usage MBean to true<<contextRoot>>, type=counterMetrics, group=resourceusage, facet=active connections, counterName=RDB mediator pool
Attribute | Description | Type |
max | This is the maximum value of the scalar counter | Long |
creationTimeStamp | This is the time when the MBean was updated with a snapshot of the relevant data | Timestamp |
host | This is the host name where the CLM application is running | String |
port | This is the port number where the CLM application is accessible on the host. The value is -1 if the port is not set. | int |
contextRoot | This is the application root context for the CLM application | String |
nodeId | This is the application node id in case the CLM application is clustered | String |
Domain | This is the namespace for the application under which the MBean data is published | String |
name | This is the name of specific counter | String |
group | This is the group that the counter belongs to | String |
facet | This represents a particular aspect of this counter | String |
id | This represents a unique id for this counter | String |
value | This is the current average value of the scalar counter | Long |
min | This is the minimum value of the scalar counter | Long |
This is useful to understand the sizing for the RDB mediator pools and if these pool sizes are correctly set for the current concurrency level of the system. This facet highlights the size of the queue of pending connection requests.
You enable this bean by setting Enable Resource Usage MBean to true<<contextRoot>>, type=counterMetrics, group=resourceusage, facet=queue length, counterName=RDB mediator pool
Attribute | Description | Type |
max | This is the maximum value of the scalar counter | Long |
creationTimeStamp | This is the time when the MBean was updated with a snapshot of the relevant data | Timestamp |
host | This is the host name where the CLM application is running | String |
port | This is the port number where the CLM application is accessible on the host. The value is -1 if the port is not set. | int |
contextRoot | This is the application root context for the CLM application | String |
nodeId | This is the application node id in case the CLM application is clustered | String |
Domain | This is the namespace for the application under which the MBean data is published | String |
name | This is the name of specific counter | String |
group | This is the group that the counter belongs to | String |
facet | This represents a particular aspect of this counter | String |
id | This represents a unique id for this counter | String |
value | This is the current average value of the scalar counter | Long |
min | This is the minimum value of the scalar counter | Long |
This is useful to understand the sizing for the RDB mediator pools and if these pool sizes are correctly set for the current concurrency level of the system. If the size is small then higher concurrency will result in operations waiting and is the size is too big then system resources are consumed even though the load does not exist (Article). The different facets are active connections, usage percentage, queue length and wait time.
You enable this bean by setting Enable Resource Usage MBean to true<<contextRoot>>, type=counterMetrics, group=resource usage, facet=usage percentage, counterName=RDB mediator pool
Attribute | Description | Type |
max | This is the maximum value of the scalar counter | Long |
creationTimeStamp | This is the time when the MBean was updated with a snapshot of the relevant data | Timestamp |
host | This is the host name where the CLM application is running | String |
port | This is the port number where the CLM application is accessible on the host. The value is -1 if the port is not set. | int |
contextRoot | This is the application root context for the CLM application | String |
nodeId | This is the application node id in case the CLM application is clustered | String |
Domain | This is the namespace for the application under which the MBean data is published | String |
name | This is the name of specific counter | String |
group | This is the group that the counter belongs to | String |
facet | This represents a particular aspect of this counter | String |
id | This represents a unique id for this counter | String |
value | This is the current average value of the scalar counter | Long |
min | This is the minimum value of the scalar counter | Long |
This is useful to understand the sizing for the RDB mediator pools and if these pool sizes are correctly set for the current concurrency level of the system. This facet highlights the size of the queue of pending connection requests.
You enable this bean by setting Enable Resource Usage MBean to true<<contextRoot>>, type=counterMetrics, group=resource usage, facet=wait time in ms, counterName=RDB mediator pool
Attribute | Description | Type |
max | This is the maximum value of the scalar counter | Long |
creationTimeStamp | This is the time when the MBean was updated with a snapshot of the relevant data | Timestamp |
host | This is the host name where the CLM application is running | String |
port | This is the port number where the CLM application is accessible on the host. The value is -1 if the port is not set. | int |
contextRoot | This is the application root context for the CLM application | String |
nodeId | This is the application node id in case the CLM application is clustered | String |
Domain | This is the namespace for the application under which the MBean data is published | String |
name | This is the name of specific counter | String |
group | This is the group that the counter belongs to | String |
facet | This represents a particular aspect of this counter | String |
id | This represents a unique id for this counter | String |
value | This is the current average value of the scalar counter | Long |
min | This is the minimum value of the scalar counter | Long |
This is useful to understand how the caches are performing. In a production environment the hit ratio of the caches should be greater than 95% (Blog). Other facets are Entry added to cache, Entry removed from cache, Entry found in cache, Entry not found in cache, Entry replaced in cache and Entry garbage collected from cache.
You enable this bean by setting Enable Local Versioning Cache Metrics MBean to true<<contextRoot>>, type=counterMetrics, group=local config mgmt cache statistics, facet=Cache hit ratio as a percentage, counterName=*
Attribute | Description | Type |
max | This is the maximum value of the scalar counter | Long |
creationTimeStamp | This is the time when the MBean was updated with a snapshot of the relevant data | Timestamp |
host | This is the host name where the CLM application is running | String |
port | This is the port number where the CLM application is accessible on the host. The value is -1 if the port is not set. | int |
contextRoot | This is the application root context for the CLM application | String |
nodeId | This is the application node id in case the CLM application is clustered | String |
Domain | This is the namespace for the application under which the MBean data is published | String |
name | This is the name of specific counter | String |
group | This is the group that the counter belongs to | String |
facet | This represents a particular aspect of this counter | String |
id | This represents a unique id for this counter | String |
value | This is the current average value of the scalar counter | Long |
min | This is the minimum value of the scalar counter | Long |
This is useful to understand how the caches are performing. In a production environment the hit ratio of the caches should be greater than 95% (Blog). This facet highlights the entries added to the cache
You enable this bean by setting Enable Local Versioning Cache Metrics MBean to true<<contextRoot>>, type=counterMetrics, group=local config mgmt cache statistics, facet=Entry added to cache, counterName=*
Attribute | Description | Type |
max | This is the maximum value of the scalar counter | Long |
creationTimeStamp | This is the time when the MBean was updated with a snapshot of the relevant data | Timestamp |
host | This is the host name where the CLM application is running | String |
port | This is the port number where the CLM application is accessible on the host. The value is -1 if the port is not set. | int |
contextRoot | This is the application root context for the CLM application | String |
nodeId | This is the application node id in case the CLM application is clustered | String |
Domain | This is the namespace for the application under which the MBean data is published | String |
name | This is the name of specific counter | String |
group | This is the group that the counter belongs to | String |
facet | This represents a particular aspect of this counter | String |
id | This represents a unique id for this counter | String |
value | This is the current average value of the scalar counter | Long |
min | This is the minimum value of the scalar counter | Long |
This is useful to understand how the caches are performing. In a production environment the hit ratio of the caches should be greater than 95% (Blog). This facet highlights the entries found in cache.
You enable this bean by setting Enable Local Versioning Cache Metrics MBean to true<<contextRoot>>, type=counterMetrics, group=local config mgmt cache statistics, facet=Entry found in cache, counterName=*
Attribute | Description | Type |
max | This is the maximum value of the scalar counter | Long |
creationTimeStamp | This is the time when the MBean was updated with a snapshot of the relevant data | Timestamp |
host | This is the host name where the CLM application is running | String |
port | This is the port number where the CLM application is accessible on the host. The value is -1 if the port is not set. | int |
contextRoot | This is the application root context for the CLM application | String |
nodeId | This is the application node id in case the CLM application is clustered | String |
Domain | This is the namespace for the application under which the MBean data is published | String |
name | This is the name of specific counter | String |
group | This is the group that the counter belongs to | String |
facet | This represents a particular aspect of this counter | String |
id | This represents a unique id for this counter | String |
value | This is the current average value of the scalar counter | Long |
min | This is the minimum value of the scalar counter | Long |
This is useful to understand how the caches are performing. In a production environment the hit ratio of the caches should be greater than 95% (Blog). This facet highlights the entries not found in cache
You enable this bean by setting Enable Local Versioning Cache Metrics MBean to true<<contextRoot>>, type=counterMetrics, group=local config mgmt cache statistics, facet=Entry not found in cache, counterName=*
Attribute | Description | Type |
max | This is the maximum value of the scalar counter | Long |
creationTimeStamp | This is the time when the MBean was updated with a snapshot of the relevant data | Timestamp |
host | This is the host name where the CLM application is running | String |
port | This is the port number where the CLM application is accessible on the host. The value is -1 if the port is not set. | int |
contextRoot | This is the application root context for the CLM application | String |
nodeId | This is the application node id in case the CLM application is clustered | String |
Domain | This is the namespace for the application under which the MBean data is published | String |
name | This is the name of specific counter | String |
group | This is the group that the counter belongs to | String |
facet | This represents a particular aspect of this counter | String |
id | This represents a unique id for this counter | String |
value | This is the current average value of the scalar counter | Long |
min | This is the minimum value of the scalar counter | Long |
This is useful to understand how the caches are performing. In a production environment the hit ratio of the caches should be greater than 95% (Blog). This facet highlights the entries removed from cache
You enable this bean by setting Enable Local Versioning Cache Metrics MBean to true<<contextRoot>>, type=counterMetrics, group=local config mgmt cache statistics, facet=Entry removed from cache, counterName=*
Attribute | Description | Type |
max | This is the maximum value of the scalar counter | Long |
creationTimeStamp | This is the time when the MBean was updated with a snapshot of the relevant data | Timestamp |
host | This is the host name where the CLM application is running | String |
port | This is the port number where the CLM application is accessible on the host. The value is -1 if the port is not set. | int |
contextRoot | This is the application root context for the CLM application | String |
nodeId | This is the application node id in case the CLM application is clustered | String |
Domain | This is the namespace for the application under which the MBean data is published | String |
name | This is the name of specific counter | String |
group | This is the group that the counter belongs to | String |
facet | This represents a particular aspect of this counter | String |
id | This represents a unique id for this counter | String |
value | This is the current average value of the scalar counter | Long |
min | This is the minimum value of the scalar counter | Long |
This is useful to understand how the caches are performing. In a production environment the hit ratio of the caches should be greater than 95% (Blog). This facet highlights the entries replaced in cache
You enable this bean by setting Enable Local Versioning Cache Metrics MBean to true<<contextRoot>>, type=counterMetrics, group=local config mgmt cache statistics, facet=Entry replaced in cache, counterName=*
Attribute | Description | Type |
max | This is the maximum value of the scalar counter | Long |
creationTimeStamp | This is the time when the MBean was updated with a snapshot of the relevant data | Timestamp |
host | This is the host name where the CLM application is running | String |
port | This is the port number where the CLM application is accessible on the host. The value is -1 if the port is not set. | int |
contextRoot | This is the application root context for the CLM application | String |
nodeId | This is the application node id in case the CLM application is clustered | String |
Domain | This is the namespace for the application under which the MBean data is published | String |
name | This is the name of specific counter | String |
group | This is the group that the counter belongs to | String |
facet | This represents a particular aspect of this counter | String |
id | This represents a unique id for this counter | String |
value | This is the current average value of the scalar counter | Long |
min | This is the minimum value of the scalar counter | Long |
This is useful to understand how the caches are performing. In a production environment the hit ratio of the caches should be greater than 95% (Blog). This facet highlights the entries garbage collected from cache.
You enable this bean by setting Enable Local Versioning Cache Metrics MBean to true<<contextRoot>>, type=counterMetrics, group=local config mgmt cache statistics, facet=Entry garbage collected from cache, counterName=*
Attribute | Description | Type |
max | This is the maximum value of the scalar counter | Long |
creationTimeStamp | This is the time when the MBean was updated with a snapshot of the relevant data | Timestamp |
host | This is the host name where the CLM application is running | String |
port | This is the port number where the CLM application is accessible on the host. The value is -1 if the port is not set. | int |
contextRoot | This is the application root context for the CLM application | String |
nodeId | This is the application node id in case the CLM application is clustered | String |
Domain | This is the namespace for the application under which the MBean data is published | String |
name | This is the name of specific counter | String |
group | This is the group that the counter belongs to | String |
facet | This represents a particular aspect of this counter | String |
id | This represents a unique id for this counter | String |
value | This is the current average value of the scalar counter | Long |
min | This is the minimum value of the scalar counter | Long |
This is useful to understand how the caches are performing. In a production environment the hit ratio of the caches should be greater than 95% (Blog). This facet highlights the average time to compute a value in ms.
You enable this bean by setting Enable Local Versioning Cache Metrics MBean to true<<contextRoot>>, type=counterMetrics, group=local config mgmt cache statistics, facet=Time for computing a value in ms, counterName=*
Attribute | Description | Type |
max | This is the maximum value of the scalar counter | Long |
creationTimeStamp | This is the time when the MBean was updated with a snapshot of the relevant data | Timestamp |
host | This is the host name where the CLM application is running | String |
port | This is the port number where the CLM application is accessible on the host. The value is -1 if the port is not set. | int |
contextRoot | This is the application root context for the CLM application | String |
nodeId | This is the application node id in case the CLM application is clustered | String |
Domain | This is the namespace for the application under which the MBean data is published | String |
name | This is the name of specific counter | String |
group | This is the group that the counter belongs to | String |
facet | This represents a particular aspect of this counter | String |
id | This represents a unique id for this counter | String |
value | This is the current average value of the scalar counter | Long |
min | This is the minimum value of the scalar counter | Long |
This helps with monitoring the average execution time of the different local configuration management service API for DNG and DM. This includes but not limited to operations like creating a changeset, creating a stream, creating a baseline, committing a changeset etc.
You enable this bean by setting Enable Local Versioning Cache Metrics MBean to true<<contextRoot>>, type=counterMetrics, group=local config mgmt service, facet=Elapsed time (in ms), counterName=*
Attribute | Description | Type |
max | This is the maximum value of the scalar counter | Long |
creationTimeStamp | This is the time when the MBean was updated with a snapshot of the relevant data | Timestamp |
host | This is the host name where the CLM application is running | String |
port | This is the port number where the CLM application is accessible on the host. The value is -1 if the port is not set. | int |
contextRoot | This is the application root context for the CLM application | String |
nodeId | This is the application node id in case the CLM application is clustered | String |
Domain | This is the namespace for the application under which the MBean data is published | String |
name | This is the name of specific counter | String |
group | This is the group that the counter belongs to | String |
facet | This represents a particular aspect of this counter | String |
id | This represents a unique id for this counter | String |
value | This is the current average value of the scalar counter | Long |
min | This is the minimum value of the scalar counter | Long |
This helps with monitoring the average execution time of some of the advanced config mgmt. operations like skew detection on streams and baselines.
You enable this bean by setting Enable Local Versioning Cache Metrics MBean to true<<contextRoot>>, type=counterMetrics, group=Configuration aware functionality, facet=Creation time (ms), counterName=*
Attribute | Description | Type |
max | This is the maximum value of the scalar counter | Long |
creationTimeStamp | This is the time when the MBean was updated with a snapshot of the relevant data | Timestamp |
host | This is the host name where the CLM application is running | String |
port | This is the port number where the CLM application is accessible on the host. The value is -1 if the port is not set. | int |
contextRoot | This is the application root context for the CLM application | String |
nodeId | This is the application node id in case the CLM application is clustered | String |
Domain | This is the namespace for the application under which the MBean data is published | String |
name | This is the name of specific counter | String |
group | This is the group that the counter belongs to | String |
facet | This represents a particular aspect of this counter | String |
id | This represents a unique id for this counter | String |
value | This is the current average value of the scalar counter | Long |
min | This is the minimum value of the scalar counter | Long |
This helps with monitoring the number of rows created when a steam create operation is executed.
You enable this bean by setting Enable Local Versioning Cache Metrics MBean to true<<contextRoot>>, type=counterMetrics, group=Configuration aware functionality, facet=Rows created, counterName=*
Attribute | Description | Type |
max | This is the maximum value of the scalar counter | Long |
creationTimeStamp | This is the time when the MBean was updated with a snapshot of the relevant data | Timestamp |
host | This is the host name where the CLM application is running | String |
port | This is the port number where the CLM application is accessible on the host. The value is -1 if the port is not set. | int |
contextRoot | This is the application root context for the CLM application | String |
nodeId | This is the application node id in case the CLM application is clustered | String |
Domain | This is the namespace for the application under which the MBean data is published | String |
name | This is the name of specific counter | String |
group | This is the group that the counter belongs to | String |
facet | This represents a particular aspect of this counter | String |
id | This represents a unique id for this counter | String |
value | This is the current average value of the scalar counter | Long |
min | This is the minimum value of the scalar counter | Long |
This provides the transaction cache(s) operation metrics. This provides counts for the following operations on ITEM currents and ITEM state caches. The facets are added, misses, invalidated, hits and autoupdated. This is useful to understand how the caches are performing. In a production environment the hit ratio of the caches should be greater than 95%.
You enable this bean by setting Enable the item cache summary metrics Mbean to true<<contextRoot>>, type=counterMetrics, group=Item Cache Summary, facet=hits, counter Name=*
Attribute | Description | Type |
max | This is the maximum value of the scalar counter | Long |
creationTimeStamp | This is the time when the MBean was updated with a snapshot of the relevant data | Timestamp |
host | This is the host name where the CLM application is running | String |
port | This is the port number where the CLM application is accessible on the host. The value is -1 if the port is not set. | int |
contextRoot | This is the application root context for the CLM application | String |
nodeId | This is the application node id in case the CLM application is clustered | String |
Domain | This is the namespace for the application under which the MBean data is published | String |
name | This is the name of specific counter | String |
group | This is the group that the counter belongs to | String |
facet | This represents a particular aspect of this counter | String |
id | This represents a unique id for this counter | String |
value | This is the current average value of the scalar counter | Long |
min | This is the minimum value of the scalar counter | Long |
This provides the transaction cache(s) operation metrics. This provides counts for the following operations on ITEM currents and ITEM state caches. This facet highlights the number of misses from the cache.
You enable this bean by setting Enable the item cache summary metrics Mbean to true<<contextRoot>>, type=counterMetrics, group=Item Cache Summary, facet=misses, counterName=*
Attribute | Description | Type |
max | This is the maximum value of the scalar counter | Long |
creationTimeStamp | This is the time when the MBean was updated with a snapshot of the relevant data | Timestamp |
host | This is the host name where the CLM application is running | String |
port | This is the port number where the CLM application is accessible on the host. The value is -1 if the port is not set. | int |
contextRoot | This is the application root context for the CLM application | String |
nodeId | This is the application node id in case the CLM application is clustered | String |
Domain | This is the namespace for the application under which the MBean data is published | String |
name | This is the name of specific counter | String |
group | This is the group that the counter belongs to | String |
facet | This represents a particular aspect of this counter | String |
id | This represents a unique id for this counter | String |
value | This is the current average value of the scalar counter | Long |
min | This is the minimum value of the scalar counter | Long |
This provides the transaction cache(s) operation metrics. This provides counts for the following operations on ITEM currents and ITEM state caches. This facet highlights the number of invalidations from the cache.
You enable this bean by setting Enable the item cache summary metrics Mbean to true<<contextRoot>>, type=counterMetrics, group=Item Cache Summary, facet=invalidated, counterName=*
Attribute | Description | Type |
max | This is the maximum value of the scalar counter | Long |
creationTimeStamp | This is the time when the MBean was updated with a snapshot of the relevant data | Timestamp |
host | This is the host name where the CLM application is running | String |
port | This is the port number where the CLM application is accessible on the host. The value is -1 if the port is not set. | int |
contextRoot | This is the application root context for the CLM application | String |
nodeId | This is the application node id in case the CLM application is clustered | String |
Domain | This is the namespace for the application under which the MBean data is published | String |
name | This is the name of specific counter | String |
group | This is the group that the counter belongs to | String |
facet | This represents a particular aspect of this counter | String |
id | This represents a unique id for this counter | String |
value | This is the current average value of the scalar counter | Long |
min | This is the minimum value of the scalar counter | Long |
This provides the transaction cache(s) operation metrics. This provides counts for the following operations on ITEM currents and ITEM state caches. This facet highlights the number of entries added to the cache.
You enable this bean by setting Enable the item cache summary metrics Mbean to true<<contextRoot>>, type=counterMetrics, group=Item Cache Summary, facet=added, counterName=*
Attribute | Description | Type |
max | This is the maximum value of the scalar counter | Long |
creationTimeStamp | This is the time when the MBean was updated with a snapshot of the relevant data | Timestamp |
host | This is the host name where the CLM application is running | String |
port | This is the port number where the CLM application is accessible on the host. The value is -1 if the port is not set. | int |
contextRoot | This is the application root context for the CLM application | String |
nodeId | This is the application node id in case the CLM application is clustered | String |
Domain | This is the namespace for the application under which the MBean data is published | String |
name | This is the name of specific counter | String |
group | This is the group that the counter belongs to | String |
facet | This represents a particular aspect of this counter | String |
id | This represents a unique id for this counter | String |
value | This is the current average value of the scalar counter | Long |
min | This is the minimum value of the scalar counter | Long |
This provides the transaction cache(s) operation metrics. This provides counts for the following operations on ITEM currents and ITEM state caches. This facet highlights the number of entires that were updated in the cache.
You enable this bean by setting Enable the item cache summary metrics Mbean to true<<contextRoot>>, type=counterMetrics, group=Item Cache Summary, facet=autoUpdated, counterName=*
Attribute | Description | Type |
max | This is the maximum value of the scalar counter | Long |
creationTimeStamp | This is the time when the MBean was updated with a snapshot of the relevant data | Timestamp |
host | This is the host name where the CLM application is running | String |
port | This is the port number where the CLM application is accessible on the host. The value is -1 if the port is not set. | int |
contextRoot | This is the application root context for the CLM application | String |
nodeId | This is the application node id in case the CLM application is clustered | String |
Domain | This is the namespace for the application under which the MBean data is published | String |
name | This is the name of specific counter | String |
group | This is the group that the counter belongs to | String |
facet | This represents a particular aspect of this counter | String |
id | This represents a unique id for this counter | String |
value | This is the current average value of the scalar counter | Long |
min | This is the minimum value of the scalar counter | Long |
This provides the counts and average response time for each of the resource intensive scenarios in the system (Deployment Wiki). This is useful to understand how the resource intensive scenarios are performing and track any degradation in their response times.
You enable this bean by setting Enable Scenario Details MBean to true<<contextRoot>>, type=counterMetrics, group=scenarios, facet=elapsed time in millisecs, counterName=*
Attribute | Description | Type |
max | This is the maximum value of the scalar counter | Long |
creationTimeStamp | This is the time when the MBean was updated with a snapshot of the relevant data | Timestamp |
host | This is the host name where the CLM application is running | String |
port | This is the port number where the CLM application is accessible on the host. The value is -1 if the port is not set. | int |
contextRoot | This is the application root context for the CLM application | String |
nodeId | This is the application node id in case the CLM application is clustered | String |
Domain | This is the namespace for the application under which the MBean data is published | String |
name | This is the name of specific counter | String |
group | This is the group that the counter belongs to | String |
facet | This represents a particular aspect of this counter | String |
id | This represents a unique id for this counter | String |
value | This is the current average value of the scalar counter | Long |
min | This is the minimum value of the scalar counter | Long |
This provides the counts and average response time for all the resource intensive scenarios in the system during the collection interval. This is useful to understand how the resource intensive scenarios are performing and track any degradation in their response times.
You enable this bean by setting Enable Scenario Details MBean to true<<contextRoot>>, type=counterMetrics, group=scenarios, facet=elapsed time in millisecs, counterNameAndId=summary_*
Attribute | Description | Type |
max | This is the maximum value of the scalar counter | Long |
creationTimeStamp | This is the time when the MBean was updated with a snapshot of the relevant data | Timestamp |
host | This is the host name where the CLM application is running | String |
port | This is the port number where the CLM application is accessible on the host. The value is -1 if the port is not set. | int |
contextRoot | This is the application root context for the CLM application | String |
nodeId | This is the application node id in case the CLM application is clustered | String |
Domain | This is the namespace for the application under which the MBean data is published | String |
name | This is the name of specific counter | String |
group | This is the group that the counter belongs to | String |
facet | This represents a particular aspect of this counter | String |
id | This represents a unique id for this counter | String |
value | This is the current average value of the scalar counter | Long |
min | This is the minimum value of the scalar counter | Long |
This is useful to track the average response time for web services and watch for degradations. Added to this the other facets are bytes sent to client and bytes received from client. These are useful to track the average request pay load and response pay load for web services and watch for large payloads that may affect the network I/O.
You enable this bean by setting Enable Web Service Metrics MBean to true<<contextRoot>>, type=counterMetrics, group=web service, facet=elapsed time in secs, counterName=*
Attribute | Description | Type |
max | This is the maximum value of the scalar counter | Long |
creationTimeStamp | This is the time when the MBean was updated with a snapshot of the relevant data | Timestamp |
host | This is the host name where the CLM application is running | String |
port | This is the port number where the CLM application is accessible on the host. The value is -1 if the port is not set. | int |
contextRoot | This is the application root context for the CLM application | String |
nodeId | This is the application node id in case the CLM application is clustered | String |
Domain | This is the namespace for the application under which the MBean data is published | String |
name | This is the name of specific counter | String |
group | This is the group that the counter belongs to | String |
facet | This represents a particular aspect of this counter | String |
id | This represents a unique id for this counter | String |
value | This is the current average value of the scalar counter | Long |
min | This is the minimum value of the scalar counter | Long |
These are useful to track the average request pay load and response pay load for web services and watch for large payloads that may affect the network I/O.
You enable this bean by setting Enable Web Service Metrics MBean to true<<contextRoot>>, type=counterMetrics, group=web service, facet=bytes sent to client, counterName=*
Attribute | Description | Type |
max | This is the maximum value of the scalar counter | Long |
creationTimeStamp | This is the time when the MBean was updated with a snapshot of the relevant data | Timestamp |
host | This is the host name where the CLM application is running | String |
port | This is the port number where the CLM application is accessible on the host. The value is -1 if the port is not set. | int |
contextRoot | This is the application root context for the CLM application | String |
nodeId | This is the application node id in case the CLM application is clustered | String |
Domain | This is the namespace for the application under which the MBean data is published | String |
name | This is the name of specific counter | String |
group | This is the group that the counter belongs to | String |
facet | This represents a particular aspect of this counter | String |
id | This represents a unique id for this counter | String |
value | This is the current average value of the scalar counter | Long |
min | This is the minimum value of the scalar counter | Long |
These are useful to track the average request pay load and response pay load for web services and watch for large payloads that may affect the network I/O.
You enable this bean by setting Enable Web Service Metrics MBean to true<<contextRoot>>, type=counterMetrics, group=web service, facet=bytes received from client, counterName=*
Attribute | Description | Type |
max | This is the maximum value of the scalar counter | Long |
creationTimeStamp | This is the time when the MBean was updated with a snapshot of the relevant data | Timestamp |
host | This is the host name where the CLM application is running | String |
port | This is the port number where the CLM application is accessible on the host. The value is -1 if the port is not set. | int |
contextRoot | This is the application root context for the CLM application | String |
nodeId | This is the application node id in case the CLM application is clustered | String |
Domain | This is the namespace for the application under which the MBean data is published | String |
name | This is the name of specific counter | String |
group | This is the group that the counter belongs to | String |
facet | This represents a particular aspect of this counter | String |
id | This represents a unique id for this counter | String |
value | This is the current average value of the scalar counter | Long |
min | This is the minimum value of the scalar counter | Long |
This bean captures the summary information over collection intervals. The summary includes total count, average over interval, max over interval, transaction rate, the total value over interval etc. The summary bean is create by facet and within each facet you can get a summary by component.
You enable this bean by setting Enable Web Service Metrics MBean to true<<contextRoot>>, type=webServicesSummaryMetrics, facet=*, component=*
Attribute | Description | Type |
transactionRate | This is the transaction rate (countover interval/interval duration) in counts per second | Double |
creationTimeStamp | This is the time when the MBean was updated with a snapshot of the relevant data | Timestamp |
host | This is the host name where the CLM application is running | String |
port | This is the port number where the CLM application is accessible on the host. The value is -1 if the port is not set. | int |
contextRoot | This is the application root context for the CLM application | String |
nodeId | This is the application node id in case the CLM application is clustered | String |
Domain | This is the namespace for the application under which the MBean data is published | String |
group | This is the group that this counter summary belongs to | String |
facet | This represents a particular aspect of this summary | String |
component | This represents the component name associated with this web service summary. Value of UnKnown is returned if component name cannot be derived | String |
averageOverInterval | This is the average value across all range counters for this collection time interval | Double |
maxOverInterval | This is the maximum average value across all range counters for this collection time interval | Double |
totalOverInterval | This is the total value across all range counters for this collection time interval | Double |
countOverInterval | This is the total count across all range counters for this collection time interval | Double |
intervalDuration | This is the collection time interval in seconds | Double |
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