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Link Validity datasource troubleshooting uc.png

Authors: RosaNaranjo, ErnestMah
Build basis: Lifecycle Query Engine, Jazz Team Server 7.0.2

Link Validity TRS feed can fail to provide a full response to LQE when a high rate of changes are made to the system. This will result in the LQE no longer being able read the TRS on reindexing or validation, as well as potentially stopping regular change log indexing. Link validity information will not be added or updated in LQE reports from that point onwards. Within the tools Link Validity is checked for from foundation directly and is unaffected by the Link Validity TRS issue. Any displayed links within any application will show correct Link Validity information

Scenarios affected

  1. Reindexing and full validation of the LQE datasource while high data creation is ongoing
    1. Link Validity fails to return the initial base set of artifacts (returns it in pages) b. This base set is read during reindexing and full validation
  2. Change log processing/indexing with high data creation ongoing (note it takes a higher rate to affect this than in number 1 above)

What can help?

Make note of the JTS advanced property, TRS Item Query Result Set. This property was introduced in 702 iFix024. Prior to 702 IFix024, it was an internal default of 500.

Increasing this limit increases the volume of changes that can be handled before failures can occur in retrieving the Link Validity TRS base from JTS for reindexing or for validation. With an initial default of 40,000 for this property setting, 40k changes would be allowed after a reindex or validation is started. Increasing this limit increases the volume of changes that can be handled in a change log processing interval (1minute polling). This is a more profound effect on the Change log processing capacity. With this setting, 40,000 changes would be allowed in each LQE/LDX change processing interval (and the time it takes to fully index those changes) Poll interval defaults to 1min, but indexing all those changes might take 5 minutes

For what scenarios is this setting relevant?

If you are importing a large set of data or making a large volume of changes in DOORS Next, the following approaches are suggested from most recommended to least recommended

  1. Handle ongoing changes as they are imported
    1. Attempt to complete the reindex of the Link validity datasource past the initial base set of artifacts. b. Pause imports into DOORS Next during this time. c. Once successful, resume imports using a fixed unit of imports, and ensure the Link Validity TRS changes can be returned during the import. d. If not successful, increase the TRS Item Query Result Liimt
  2. Handle ongoing changes periodically
    1. Pause the Link Validity TRS indexing in LQE during import after a successful reindex. b. Stop all imports and resume indexing.
      *Do not pause for longer than the retention period for change events of the Link Validity TRS or it will not be able to resume*


MBean reference for LQE: https://jazz.net/library/article/90785 • Dataset suspension properties - suspensionCompletions, suspensionErrors, suspensionPending, suspensionTimeouts • Other useful properties are available here

Related topics: Deployment troubleshooting

External links:

Additional contributors: TWikiUser, TWikiUser

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