Jenkins/Hudson and Engineering Workflow Management (EWM), formerly Rational Team Concert (RTC), integration has two task loops that run continuously,
The build loop's responsibility is to continuously check for a EWM build request. This tasks runs normally every 15 secs. When such a request is found, EWM will flip the build request from the Pending state to the Running state. This will also connect to Jenkins and starts corresponding the build there.
The sync loop will poll Jenkins/Hudson looking for EWM events that have been generated in Jenkins/Hidson. When those events are found it will parse the event and change the state of the build correspondingly.
How do we troubleshoot the build requests become stuck in a state?
Knowing this basic concept how do we troubleshoot the build requests become stuck in a state?
If you are using RTC 4.0.4 or earlier, it is likely you are hitting a
Defect 287317 with how the connection logic was handled. There was an issue with when the Jenkins/Hudson server is not usable for a certain period of time, these both task will get stuck, which will cause builds to never process. The tasks then never quits with connection timeout to Jenkins/Hudson server and keeps on running until the server restart. Any new build request that are sent to that same Jenkins/Hudson server will stay in pending state for ever. It can also happen that the build requested is sent to Jenkins/Hudson server but they are stuck at some state where as the job is actually finished in the Jenkins/Hudson server. This symptom is observed when Sync loop task is stuck contacting the Jenkins/Hudson server. The Sync Loop task hang status is more likely to happen when it tries to contact every build engine defined for Jenkins/Hudson which is configured as active and monitoring last contact time (the default). It takes just 1 unresponsive Jenkins server to hang this task.
This defect will be fixed in future releases where you can configure in the server properties a timeout value for these tasks.
Investigating the problem.
Prior to ELM versions 7.0.1 SR1 / 7.0.2 SR1:
To enable Build and Sync Loop tracing, enable the debugging in the Change and Configuration Management (CCM) file by adding the line
For ELM versions 7.0.1 SR1 / 7.0.2 SR1 and beyond:
To enable Build and Sync Loop tracing, enable the debugging in the Change and Configuration Management (CCM) log4j2.xml file by adding the entry
<logger name="" value="DEBUG"/>
The CCM log will start filling up with Jenkins/Hudson integration debug data.
2013-10-15 00:34:03,209 [ccm: AsynchronousTaskRunner-4 @@ 00:34] DEBUG - queryPendingBuildRequests enter
2013-10-15 00:34:03,240 [ccm: AsynchronousTaskRunner-4 @@ 00:34] DEBUG - queryPendingBuildRequests exit, found 5 requests, took 31 ms
2013-10-15 00:34:03,381 [ccm: AsynchronousTaskRunner-4 @@ 00:34] DEBUG - personalBuildFilterMatches enter
2013-10-15 00:34:03,381 [ccm: AsynchronousTaskRunner-4 @@ 00:34] DEBUG - personalBuildFilterMatches personalBuildFilter: null
2013-10-15 00:34:03,381 [ccm: AsynchronousTaskRunner-4 @@ 00:34] DEBUG - personalBuildFilterMatches exit with: true
Above you see poll was executed to find the build requests.
Please note: This logging is not very detailed as of now in Rational Team Concert 4.0.4. In later releases this trace will increase the amount of debug information put in the log.
In case if you encounter the problem with build loop or sync loops are stuck you can verify this in the "Active Services" page of CCM application admin page. The services names are
If you click at "Show Details" on that "Active Services" page against the service running you can see the call stack of the running service. This can help you identify the problem with the Builds.
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