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Updating Client Registration Data In Jazz Authorization Server todo.png

Authors: ShubjitNaik
Build basis: IBM Engineering Lifecycle Management and Jazz Authorization Server 7.0.2 or higher

When IBM Engineering Lifecycle Management Solution (ELM) is deployed with Jazz Authorization Server (JAS), for each ELM application there is a client registration in JAS. The registration contains details such as ClientId, ClientSecret, Redirect URIs etc and the URL to retrieve the data from JAS is https://jas.example.org/oidc/endpoint/jazzop/registration.

There are instances where the ClientSecret or RedirectURI for a registered application needs to be changed. Example , when you migrate an application from one JAS server to another or when you see the following error accessing an ELM application:

error_code: _invalid_client_credentials
error_message: CRJSA0009E The single sign-on authentication did not succeed because of an application error.
error_message_explanation: The authentication process could not be completed because of a problem with the application. The application might be violating a protocol or using an underlying single sign-on library incorrectly. 
error_message_useraction: For details about the cause of the error, check the log files for the application and the authorization server.

The focus of this article is to share methods on updating Client registration data like ClientSecret in JAS and ELM applications

Note: These instructions do not apply for LQE and LDX as the properties file does not include the ClientId and Secret value

Update the Client Secret for application in JAS

Update Client Secret Using JAS CLI

Jazz Authorization Server has bundled CLI tools which helps in management of Client registrations. Following are the steps to update ClientSecret for Jazz Team Server (JTS) application.

First find the ClientId for the JTS application

  • You can either load the URL https://JazzAuthServerURI/oidc/endpoint/jazzop/registration and search for the value of the parameter client_id under client name Jazz Team Server
  • OR on the JTS server view the file [JTS_HOME]\server\conf\jts\teamserver.properties and search for com.ibm.team.repository.servlet.sso_clientId
  • Lets assume the ClientId for JTS application is bd23ca7b376b4bb7a17680a496048473

Export the Client Registration for JTS

  • On the JAS server
    • Change directory to [JAS_HOME]\cli and run the following command
      ./lsclient -a https://JazzAuthServerURI/oidc/endpoint/jazzop -u [AdminUser]:[AdminPassword] bd23ca7b376b4bb7a17680a496048473 >& jts.json 
    • Here is a sample exported file, we would see one such entry per application.
      [ {
        "functional_user_groupIds" : [ "JazzAdmins" ],
        "trusted_uri_prefixes" : [ "https://localhost:9443/jts/", "https://elm.example.org/jts/", "" ],
        "post_logout_redirect_uris" : [ "", "https://elm.example.org/jts/service/com.ibm.team.repository.service.internal.ILogoutRestService", "https://localhost:9443/jts/service/com.ibm.team.repository.service.internal.ILogoutRestService" ],
        "grant_types" : [ "authorization_code", "client_credentials", "implicit", "refresh_token", "urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:jwt-bearer" ],
        "subject_type" : "public",
        "application_type" : "web",
        "allow_regexp_redirects" : false,
        "registration_client_uri" : "https://JazzAuthServerURI/oidc/endpoint/jazzop/registration/bd23ca7b376b4bb7a17680a496048473",
        "redirect_uris" : [ "https://localhost:9443/jts/jsa", "https://localhost:9443/jts/jsa?confirm=true", "https://prod02.example.com:9443/jts/jsa", "https://elm.example.org/jts/jsa?confirm=true", "", "" ],
        "token_endpoint_auth_method" : "client_secret_basic",
        "client_id" : "bd23ca7b376b4bb7a17680a496048473",
        "introspect_tokens" : true,
        "client_secret_expires_at" : 0,
        "scope" : "openid profile email general",
        "etag" : "ax5TWj+MkZm0Uybao5cBBA==",
        "client_id_issued_at" : 1558514044,
        "client_secret" : "*",
        "resource_ids" : [ ],
        "functional_user_id" : "jts_user",
        "client_name" : "/jts",
        "response_types" : [ "code", "token", "id_token token" ],
        "preauthorized_scope" : "openid profile email general"
      } ]

  • While in edit mode, change the Client Secret value and save the file
    • Edit the following parameter
      "client_secret" : "*"
    • TO
      "client_secret" : "NewClientSecret"

Import the updated data into JAS

  • On the JAS server
    • Change directory to [JAS_HOME]\cli and run the following command
      ./ldclient -a https://JazzAuthServerURI/oidc/endpoint/jazzop -u [AdminUser]:[AdminPassword] jts.json 

Update Client Secret Using JAS Web UI

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Update Client Secret in ELM Application

The ClientId and ClientSecret values can be found in each applications properties file. Following are the steps to update the Client Secret for JTS application

  • Switch to the JTS server and stop the JTS application server
  • Edit [JTS_HOME]\server\conf\jts\teamserver.properties file
  • Update the following com.ibm.team.repository.servlet.sso_clientSecret=[Encryptedvalue] TO com.ibm.team.repository.servlet.sso_clientSecret=NewClientSecret

  • Start JTS server and test login

Related topics: Jazz Authorization Server, Migrating JAS Servers

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