r4 - 2015-08-27 - 20:16:10 - Main.dmmckinnYou are here: TWiki >  Deployment Web > IntegrationWhereToStart > IntegrationSystemsCore

community-img.gif ALM Middleware Core Solution

Cross-cutting theme technical leaders and senior editors: AmySilberbauer, MarianneHollier

In this section, we expand the scope of Integrations from ALM Core to include all of the Systems - Middleware tooling that applies in the context of the Golden Integration Scenarios.

Expanded Integration Focus for Systems - Middleware

On the Integrations: Where to start? page, we describe the scope of ALM Core as the key focus area for integration topics. In this section, we expand on ALM Core to define the additional set of products that play a role in the integration scenarios.


Integration between the ALM Core solution set of products and the Core Middleware tooling is through the Eclipse client. All products can shell-share, providing a unified development experience.

Integrations are described in more detail in the IBM Knowledge Center:

The following diagrams show role-based activities that typical development teams would perform, and highlight the integration between the core ALM solution and the core Middleware tools.

Scenario Diagrams:

DevOps for WebSphere Application Server

DevOps for IBM Integration Bus

DevOps for MQ

Related topics: Deployment web home, Deployment web home

External links:

Topic attachments
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
Pngpng ScenarioDesigns_ALMCoreMiddleware.png manage 93.4 K 2015-08-21 - 17:52 UnknownUser ALM Core Middleware Integrated Solution
Pngpng ScenarioDesigns_DevOpsforIIBv2.png manage 263.6 K 2015-08-21 - 18:27 UnknownUser DevOps for IBM Integration Bus - Scenario
Pngpng ScenarioDesigns_DevOpsforMQ_3.png manage 277.7 K 2015-08-21 - 18:36 UnknownUser DevOps for MQ
Pngpng ScenarioDesigns_DevOpsforWASv2.png manage 286.6 K 2015-08-21 - 17:12 UnknownUser DevOps for WebSphere Application Server - Scenario
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