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r4 - 2018-11-02 - 05:11:13 - Main.toobaahmedYou are here: TWiki >  Deployment Web > DeploymentMonitoring > CLM605MXBeans > Common605Beans > HighFrequencyMetricsNodeScopedTask

HighFrequencyMetricsNodeScopedTask todo.png

Build basis: 6.0.5

Active Services

This is all the active services currently running in the server. Each service provides information like service name, requested user, start time and duration, and start time. This is useful to understand the standard patterns of low level service activity in a production system. Helps to understand the unique set of users currently working in the system.

Advanced Property

You enable this bean by setting Enable Active Services MBean to true

Object Name


Default Frequency for Publishing

30 Seconds


Attribute Description Type
threadId This is id of the java thread executing this service Long
creationTimeStamp This is the time when the MBean was updated with a snapshot of the relevant data Timestamp
host This is the host name where the CLM application is running String
port This is the port number where the CLM application is accessible on the host. The value is -1 if the port is not set. int
contextRoot This is the application root context for the CLM application String
nodeId This is the application node id in case the CLM application is clustered String
Domain This is the namespace for the application under which the MBean data is published String
scenarioName This is the name of scenario this active service is associated with String
scenarioId This is a unique scenario instance id this active service is associated with String
serviceName This is the name of this active service String
serviceId The id of this active service String
startTime This is the start time of this active service in milliseconds Long
duration This is the total time this active service has been running since it started. This is the current time when the snapshot was taken minus the start time. This is reported in milliseconds Long
serviceMethod This is name of the service method String
userName This is name of the user who initiated this service String
userId This is id of the user who initiated this service String
threadName This is the name of the java thread executing this service String

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Active Services Summary

This is a summary of the total count of active services running in the system. This provides information like total count, CPU ratio and services that have exceeded duration thresholds. This is useful to understand the active services that are long running. Helps also to understand if the system specifications are adequate to meet the user load.

Advanced Property

You enable this bean by setting Enable Active Services Mbean to true

Object Name


Default Frequency for Publishing

30 Seconds


Attribute Description Type
thresholdDuration This is duration in milliseconds used for identifying the services who have exceeded the threshold Long
creationTimeStamp This is the time when the MBean was updated with a snapshot of the relevant data Timestamp
host This is the host name where the CLM application is running String
port This is the port number where the CLM application is accessible on the host. The value is -1 if the port is not set. int
contextRoot This is the application root context for the CLM application String
nodeId This is the application node id in case the CLM application is clustered String
Domain This is the namespace for the application under which the MBean data is published String
totalCount This is the total number of active services currently running Long
countExceedingThresholdDuration This is a number of actives services whose execution duration has exceeded the threshold Long
longestDuration This indicates how long has the longest active service been running in milliseconds Long
cpuRatio Count of active services divided by the number of processors on the server Double

Related topics: Common Managed Beans

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