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Authors: LiamDoherty
Build basis: Rational Team Concert - Enterprise Extensions v5.0.1

The Collaborative Lifecycle management (CLM) Configuration Utility is an ISPF based utility to aid in the configuration of all the components of CLM on the z/OS platform. As there are many optional configuration components to CLM, such as where the server is installed, what application server to use, what data base, etc, it can be a unclear what to install. The configuration utility allows the user to select the components they wish to install and from there it creates a work flow based list of items to action, that perform the configuration. The work flow is presented in a logical order of items to be actioned. Users can add additional configuration items or even create completely new configurations.


The installation of the CLM Configuration utility is performed by the SMP/E installation of FMID HRCC501 which is the Common Components FMID. For information see the SMP/E installation process topic.

Running the CLM Configuration Utility on z/OS®

The Colaborative Lifecycle Management™ Configuration Utility libraries are created as part of the SMP/E installation. When you run the REXX procedure for starting the Configuration Utility, the libraries are dynamically added to your TSO/ISPF session. The libraries are assigned only when needed using LIBDEF and ALTLIB services. This method ensures that existing TSO/ISPF logon procedures do not need to be changed.

The components of the ISPF client dialog are delivered in these libraries:

Load modules
ISPF messages
ISPF panels
ISPF skkeletons
Work flow XML

where xxx identifies the national language. For example, SBLZPENU is the ISPF panel library for U.S. English.

Starting the Configuration Utility

Start the Configuration Utility dialog using the BLZCINIT REXX executable code. You can run the executable code from the TSO command processor panel:

On the TSO command processor panel, enter EX '.SBLZEXEC(BLZCINIT)'' '

The ISPF client command BLZCINIT accepts three parameters:

(Optional.)The data set name high level qualifiers for the Configuration Utility data sets. If this is not specified the HLQ used to start BLZCINIT will be used as the default.
(Optional.)The data set name high level qualifiers for the Configuration Utility data sets created by the Configuration Utility process. If this is not specified the default is BLZ.#CUST.
(Optional.) Identifies the national language. Currently, the Configuration Utility only supports the following languages:

U.S. English, which is the default if Language is omitted
U.S. English Uppercase

It should be noted that if the 2nd or 3rd invocation parameters need to be specified then the 1st parameter must also be specified.

For example invoke this exec with the following command


The resulting data set used are:

BLZ.V501.SBLZPENU (etc System data sets) BLZ.CONFIG.CLMnnn.* (configuration data sets)

When the Configuration Utility is started, either for the first time or on subsequent invocation the following information is presented to the user:

Rational CLM V5.0.1 utility initialization     
HLQ for install datasets = BLZ.V501            
HLQ for user datasets = BLZ.CONFIG

This information tells the user the version of the Configuration Utility, the product library high level qualifier used, and the high level qualifier of the configuration data sets.

Creating a new configuration

On the initial invocation, or when a new configuration is requested, the Initial options menu is presented. This screen allows the user to enter the location of :

  • The HLQ of the installed product data sets. On initial invocation this defaults to the HLQ used to start the Configuration Utility
  • The location of the BLZPASTK module. It is possible this has been moved to a secure library that is APF authorized already.
  • The product installation directory in the Hierarchical File System, by default this is /usr/lpp/jazz/v5.0.
  • The location of Java. The Configuration Utility will use the Java version found in the users path, if one exists.
  • The directory to be used for CLM configuration files, by default /etc/jazz50.
  • The directory to be used for work files, log files and temporary files, by default this is /u/jazz50.
  • The location of the iconv executable, by default /bin/iconv.

  • CLM Configuration utility - Options Menu:

The user should change any of the option that need to be changed. You will not be able to leave this screen until a valid location has been specified for the product HLQ, product location and Java location. An error screen listing all of the errors will be displayed:

  • CLM Configuration utility - Options Errors:

Once all the valid information is entered the Java version will be displayed. The user can now press PF3 to proceed to the configuration panels.

  • CLM Configuration utility - Options Menu Java Version:

Entering customization information via the customization panels

Once the user has entered the valid information on the Options menu they will be presented with the main customization menu. This is the menu that drives the selection and customization of the required and optional components to be installed for CLM. The list presented in the Main Customization Menu shows all of the available options:

  • CLM Configuration utility - Customization Main Menu:

The user can chose which parts of the product they want to install. For example if they are running the server off z/OS then they do not need to install any of the Optional z/OS server customization or any of the Optional RTC application customization. If they are only using the Build Agent to build z/OS applications, but do not intend to use the ISPF Client theen they will only need to revieew and configure the following options:

1  General settings (*)
2  ISPF Gateway (*)    
3  Rational Build Agent 

The (*) next to an option indicates if that option has been selected to be configured. The General Settings and ISPF Gateway are required customizations so are marked with a (*). For any of the optional customizations the user need to select the option, and then in the subsequent screen mark that they wish this optional component to be customized. Taking the above scenario of just installing the Rational Build Agent the user would enter option 3 and press Enter and then be presented with the Rational Build Agent Customization panel. They need to enter a Y at the specified place to indicate that this component will be included in the customization. In addition all of the default settings should be reviewd and changed if required.

  • CLM Configuration utility - Rational Build Agent Customization:

The user should select all the components they wish to include in the configuration amd verify the settings in each on. For more information on each of the different settings consult the Help panels by pressing PF1. In addition more information can be found in the installing section in the CLM online guide. It should be noted that additional configurations can be made later, after a configuration work flow has been generated, by selecting and changing the configuration. This scenario will be discussed in more detail later.

Generating the configuration work flow

Once all of the required components have been selected and the settings checked the work flow for this particular configuration can be generated. On the main configuration panel select the G option to generate the configuration jobs.

  • CLM Configuration utility - Generate Configuration:

You will be presented with a selection panel where you can choose to:

  • Generate a new configuration workflow or
  • Replace the existing workflow

  • CLM Configuration utility - Generation Selection:

If this is the first time in the Configuration Utility a new configuration will be created. If, however, you have edited an existing configuration you have the option to replace that configuration. For example if you changed the names of Started Tasks, Databases or users. More of that scenario later. Pressing Enter you will be presented with another selection screen where you can choose to:

  • Initialize a new workflow or
  • Save the status and log information from the current configuration

  • CLM Configuration utility - Initialisation Selection:

Again, if this is a new configuration it will be initialized as a new workflow. Finally, once you press Enter you will be presented with a screen where you can give your configuration a meaningful name:

  • CLM Configuration utility - Configuration Description:

Once the configuration workflow has been generated the Configuration selection screen will be displayed where you can select to work with the configuration you have just generated:

  • CLM Configuration utility - Configuration Selection:

Modifying an existing configuration

Should you wish to modify an existing configuration for example to change a parameter setting or to add a new optional component you can do so by placing an S next to a configuration listed in the Configuration selection list. When you press Enter the main customization panel will be displayed again, where you can select the component that you want to modify. Once you have made your modifications you can use the G option to Generate the workflow. At this point you will be offered a choice to:

  • Generate a new configuration workflow or
  • Replace the existing workflow

If you are just adding a new component or changing some variables and you want to alter the existing configuration, then select option 2 to replace an existing configuration. You will then be asked to choose between:

  • Initialize a new workflow or
  • Save the status and log information from the current configuration

If you have already actioned some of the workflow items, and by that we mean have you ran some of the generated execs, scripts or jobs, and you wish to keep the loggs and the current status of those workflow items then you can select option 2 to do so. For example, if you had already ran the workflow items related to the General settings and the ISPF Gateway, but then at a later time went back and added the Rational Build Agent. You do not want to lose what you have created before, plus you do not want to create a completely new configuration. Just adding to what you have done already makes more sense. If you select to save the status and log information then for the status and log information for the General Settings and ISPF gateway will be kept, and the Rational Build Agent workflow items will be initialized as new workflow items.

Working with a configuration workflow

Depending on what components you have chosen to install will determine what workflow items have been added to the workflow for a particular configuration. To actually perform the CLM configuration, that is, to create and modify the configuration files, create databases and started tasks, the workflow items need to be actioned. The process of actioning them will run them is some way, depending on the type of workflow item to be actioned.

To see the list of workflow items that your configuration has generated enter a W next to the configuration you want to work with. The workflow item list screen is displayed:

  • CLM Configuration utility - Workflow Item list:

For a completely new workflow all of the workflow item statuses with be set to Pending status. The workflow items are presented in an order that is recommended for them to be performed. For some this order may not be important, but for other workflow items it is important as for example, DB2 tables need to be created prior to the createTables job being run. It is advisable to follow the order of the workflow as much as you can.

The actions you can perform against a workflow item are as follows:

A - Action Item
Action the specified workflow item. This could mean running a RACF command, a REXX exec or some SQL, submit a job or just provide some instructions
E or S - Edit
Edit the generated workflow item. The workflow item which might be an exec, RACF command or Job may need some local edits to be made. If the are made they will be saved so they can subsequently be actioned.
V - View
View the contents of the workflow item
C - Mark as Completed
Some workflow items have a manual task that needs to be performed. Actioning them does not do anything. Once the manual task has been completed the user can mark a workflow item as complete.
L - Browse Action Log
Browse the action log. This could be the output from a RACF command, a REXX exec or a job.

There are different types of workflow item, and that type will determine how the workflow item is actioned. The different types are:

A RACF command. If you action a RACF command the workflow processor will run the RACF command. If you wish you can edit the workflow item prior to actioning it, for example to replace the RACF statements with Top Secret or ACF2 statements.
Update to a PARMLIB member. Actioning these will not do anything. The workflow item will contain instructions on what the user must do to complete the workflow item. Once done the user can mark the workflow item as Complete.
Update to a PROCLIB member. Actioning these will not do anything. The workflow item will contain instructions on what the user must do to complete the workflow item. Once done the user can mark the workflow item as Complete.
Run a command. This could be a TSO command, a REXX exec or an SQL command. The workflow processor will run the specified command and save the log. It will mark the status and completed on successful completion or failed if the command fails to run successfully.
Run a JCL member. The job will be submitted when the workflow item is actioned. Once complete the job output will be retrieved and written to the log. See Note below on Job retrieval.
The remaing types specify a file name such as ISPZXENV and ISPF.conf. Actioning these workflow items will copy the generated file to the live configuration directory. A backup of what was there previously will be taken.

Note: For JCL types, retrieving the job output, SDSF REXX is used. If your site does not use SDSF you can use the provided userexit BLZCLMUX to include your own code to retrieve the job output. If the call to SDSF REXX fails then BLZCLMUX is called. You can edit the supplied userexit module, that resides in the SBLZEXEC library, to include code that retrieves the job output, and then writes it to the specified log member.

Work through the workflow list and action each item following any additional instructions that might be presented to you. If the action fails you will need to determine why, maybe there is a permission or space problem for example. Once the problem is resolved you can then issue the action command again. The new log will replace what was previously logged.

Once all required workflow items have been actioned there additional configuration options can be used

Additional configuration options

Once a workflow has been completely actioned there are other co0nfiguration options that can be utilized. These options are available from the configuration selection panel:

  • CLM Configuration utility - Configuration Options:

Edit active Config files

Use the E option if you need to make direct edits on the CLM configuration files. For a particular configuration, all of the configuration files will be listed in a single screen, making it easy to find and edit the files that you require.

  • CLM Configuration utility - Edit Configuration files:

Command View

Use the C option to view the generated commands. You can view the commands in the context of the workflow items from the Workflow list screen. But this options presents a listing of the files in the data set in which they were created.

  • CLM Configuration utility - View Commands:

File View

Use the F option to view the generated files such as generated config files, PARMLIB and PROCLIB members. You can view the files in the context of the workflow items from the Workflow list screen. But this options presents a listing of the files in the data sets and directories in which they were created.

  • CLM Configuration utility - View Files:

Log View

Use the L option to view the log. This is the overall log for a particular configuration rather than the specific logs relating to a workflow item.

  • CLM Configuration utility - View Logs:

Utility Jobs

Use the U option to generate utility jobs from templates. These are a number of jobs that are not part of a workflow and are required on an as-required basis such as some of the Repotools jobs such as Export. tailor the jobs as you require from the options provided.

* CLM Configuration utility - Process Utility Jobs:

Install Verification (IVP)

Use the I option to run the Installation Verification process in foreground mode. Select which parts of the IVP to run. You can use the Suppress INFO messages to do just that, such that only WARNING and ERROR messages are produced. However, to ensure everything looks OK it is a good idea to not suppress the INFO messages the first time the IVP is run.

  • CLM Configuration utility - Installation Verification Process:

Once the IVP has run, information about the installation will be returned in a data set.

  • CLM Configuration utility - IVP report:

Gather Debug Info

On the instruction of IBM support use the G option to gather debug information. this option will collect all the logs, config files, generated commands and other information that might be useful in debugging an installation problem.

  • CLM Configuration utility - Gather Debug Information:

External links:

Topic attachments
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
Jpgjpg Configuration_Description.jpg manage 21.1 K 2014-06-10 - 05:42 UnknownUser CLM Configuration utility - Configuration Description
Jpgjpg Configuration_Selection.jpg manage 30.4 K 2014-06-10 - 05:58 UnknownUser CLM Configuration utility - Configuration Selection
Jpgjpg Configuration_options.jpg manage 32.9 K 2014-06-10 - 07:59 UnknownUser CLM Configuration utility - Configuration Options
Jpgjpg Customization_Main_Menu.jpg manage 43.5 K 2014-06-10 - 02:33 UnknownUser CLM Configuration utility - Customization Main Menu
Jpgjpg Edit_Configuration_files.jpg manage 62.1 K 2014-06-10 - 08:05 UnknownUser CLM Configuration utility - Edit Configuration files
Jpgjpg Gather_Debug.jpg manage 32.7 K 2014-06-10 - 08:12 UnknownUser CLM Configuration utility - Gather Debug Information
Jpgjpg Generate_Configuration.jpg manage 5.5 K 2014-06-10 - 03:29 UnknownUser CLM Configuration utility - Generate Configuration
Jpgjpg Generation_Initialisation.jpg manage 25.2 K 2014-06-10 - 05:39 UnknownUser CLM Configuration utility - Initialisation Selection
Jpgjpg Generation_Selection.jpg manage 28.1 K 2014-06-10 - 05:10 UnknownUser CLM Configuration utility - Generation Selection
Jpgjpg IVP.jpg manage 21.0 K 2014-06-10 - 08:13 UnknownUser CLM Configuration utility - Installation Verification Process
Jpgjpg IVP_Report.jpg manage 90.5 K 2014-06-10 - 09:09 UnknownUser CLM Configuration utility - IVP report
Jpgjpg Options_Errors.jpg manage 29.2 K 2014-06-10 - 02:15 UnknownUser CLM Configuration Utility - Options Errors
Jpgjpg Options_Menu.jpg manage 55.4 K 2014-06-10 - 02:10 UnknownUser CLM Configuration utility - Options Menu
Jpgjpg Options_Menu_Java_Version.jpg manage 6.6 K 2014-06-10 - 02:29 UnknownUser CLM Configuration utility - Options Menu Java Version
Jpgjpg Process_Utility_Jobs.jpg manage 47.5 K 2014-06-10 - 08:43 UnknownUser CLM Configuration utility - Process Utility Jobs
Jpgjpg Rational_Build_Agent_Customization.jpg manage 55.6 K 2014-06-10 - 03:07 UnknownUser CLM Configuration utility - Rational Build Agent Customization
Jpgjpg View_Commands.jpg manage 29.0 K 2014-06-10 - 08:25 UnknownUser CLM Configuration utility - View Commands
Jpgjpg View_Files.jpg manage 58.9 K 2014-06-10 - 08:26 UnknownUser CLM Configuration utility - View Files
Jpgjpg View_Log.jpg manage 104.5 K 2014-06-10 - 08:26 UnknownUser CLM Configuration utility - View Logs
Jpgjpg WorkFlow_Item_List.jpg manage 89.0 K 2014-06-10 - 06:30 UnknownUser CLM Configuration utility - Workflow Item list
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