r18 - 2013-08-28 - 11:45:14 - Main.sbeardYou are here: TWiki >  Deployment Web > DeploymentRolesAndResponsibilities

Deployment wiki roles and responsibilities

Authors: AmyLaird, StevenBeard
Build basis: None

The following responsibilities clarify roles for the wiki and ensure that content is reviewed for technical accuracy, adherence to writing guidelines, and the correct location for the information.

Content managers: Community technical leaders and senior editors

The community technical leaders and senior editors govern and manage the wiki. This leadership team consists of deployment leaders, experts, and senior editors, including all section leads, from IBM and a few customers and IBM Business Partners. This team has the following responsibilities:

Content managers: Section leads

These guidelines apply to the designated section leads for the wiki.

  • Coordinate the team, strategy, structure, and population of the assigned wiki section:
    • Identify existing content to move and new content to add to the wiki section.
    • Identify authors to add content to the wiki and assign work by using the Rational Team Concert project for the Deployment wiki.
    • Inform authors of their roles and responsibilities, and the policies and guidelines for the wiki.

  • Monitor the content of the wiki section:
    • Monitor the incoming content to the section.
    • Ensure that content is current and accurate.
    • Ensure that content is receiving the appropriate technical reviews.
    • Address incorrect, outdated, or inappropriate content as a matter of urgency.
    • Monitor and respond to incoming comments.

  • Coordinate with the user assistance representative for the section:
    • Ensure that the user assistance representative is aware of incoming content.
    • Ensure that the user assistance representative is receiving review requests for the content.
    • Coordinate with the user assistance representative to verify whether content belongs in an information center, in other product documentation, or on the wiki.
    • Verify that links are established between the information centers and wiki according to the established linking guidelines for the wiki.

  • Maintain the content of the wiki section:
    • Each release, review the content to ensure that it is still relevant and up to date and update the topic page's build basis as appropriate.

Authors: Technical leaders and senior editors (TWikiDeploymentAuthorsGroup)

These guidelines apply to authors who are identified as technical leaders and senior editors.

  • Identify content to add or modify on the wiki.
    • Verify that the content does not already exist in another location, such as in the information center, on Jazz.net, or on developerWorks.
    • Verify that the content meets the criteria for the wiki as described in the Deployment wiki vision.

  • Identify the appropriate section of the wiki to which to add or modify content:
    • For significant changes, contact the section lead by email (email addresses should be available on personal pages, such as StevenBeard) to discuss the proposed content.

  • Ensure that the content is technically accurate:

  • Obtain a user assistance review for all content:

  • Maintain the wiki content:
    • Monitor and respond to incoming comments.
    • For each new release, ensure that the content remains current; apply updates as needed.
    • Review and maintain links between the wiki and the information center (IC) for each release, in accordance with the established linking guidelines for the wiki.

Authors: Deployment practitioners (TWikiAuthorsGroup and TWikiExternalAuthorsGroup) and Jazz.net users

These guidelines apply to wiki contributors from the broader community, including Jazz.net users and members of TWikiAuthorsGroup and TWikiExternalAuthorsGroup.

  • Identify content to add or modify on the wiki
    • Verify that the content does not already exist in another location, such as in the information center, on Jazz.net, or on developerWorks.
    • Verify that the content meets the criteria for the wiki as described in the Deployment wiki vision.

  • Identify the appropriate section of the wiki to which to add or modify content.
    • For significant changes, contact the section lead by email (email addresses should be available on personal pages, such as StevenBeard) to discuss the proposed content.
    • You might need the section lead to create a new topic page and set the appropriate level of write access.

  • If possible, obtain a technical review from subject matter experts.
  • After technical review, change or remove the under construction icon to denote its new status in accordance with the status icon conventions.

Reviewers: User assistance writers

These guidelines apply to the IBM user assistance writers who are assigned to sections of the wiki.

  • Periodically review all content in the assigned wiki section.
  • Copy edit the content in the assigned area based on the established writing guidelines for the wiki.
  • As time permits, further improve the content quality by applying writing, style, and word usage guidelines.
  • Investigate and determine where content belongs (on the wiki or in an IC) and coordinate any movement of information.
  • Review and maintain links between the wiki and the ICs for each release, according to the established linking guidelines for the wiki.

Reviewers: User assistance editors

These guidelines apply to the IBM user assistance editors who are assigned to the wiki.

  • Establish and maintain the writing guidelines for the wiki
  • Consult when authors have content, structure, or style questions
  • Periodically review the wiki content for adherence to the established writing guidelines, ideally toward the end of each release, individual release timing TBD
  • As time permits, make ad hoc edits to content based on the established writing guidelines for the wiki.

Related topics:

External links:

Additional contributors: LauraHinson, RalphEarle

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