All applications which run on HTTPS via the web require a Security Certificate, or Public Key Certificate. This is used to validate that the data is coming from a trusted source. The security certificate bundled with the Jazz Team Server and ELM applications is signed to localhost. As soon as the application is accessed with a URL other than localhost (for example, hostname or IP address), the browser will present the following errors:
The security certificate presented by this website was not issued by a trusted certificate authority.
The security certificate presented by this website was issued for a different website's address.
These errors occur because:
The security certificate was self-signed, meaning that the server being accessed created the certificate, and
The security certificate was created for localhost, and you are accessing the server using a different hostname, IP address or the appropriate Public URI.
In order to resolve these errors, you can:
Purchase a certificate from a well-known trusted Certificate Authority and install it.
If you do not need encryption, configure the server for HTTP rather than HTTPS access.
Configure the browser to ignore or accept this invalid certificate
In this article we will provide a guide on how to configure CA Certificate purchased from well-known Authority or internal CA certificate.
Using IKEYMAN (Graphical User Interface)
Create Keystore (Optional, if existing keystore is not used)
Open ikeyman.exe, Key Database File -> New
Select any Type
Provide File name and path to the file
Update server.xml (Only for Liberty) to point to new key store (Optional, only if new keystore is created)
Update server.xml located at JazzTeamServer\server\liberty\servers\clm to point to new database file, type and password
If type Selected while creating keystore is pk12 Type will be PKCS12, for jks Type will be JKCS
Restart the server for changes to take effect
To Create A Self-Signed Certificate
Open ikeyman (GUI) utility located at JazzTeamServer\server\jre\bin
Key Database File -> Open -> Browser to keystore file, enter password to open the file
Click Create -> New Self Signed Certificate and fill the required details
Restart server for changes to take effect
To Configure A CA Certificate
Generate certificate Request
Open the Keystore database file using ikeyman
Click Create -> New Certificate request and fill the necessary details
Send the certificate request generated to CA authority
Receive Certificate and Add it to Keystore
Open the Keystore database file using ikeyman
Select Personal Certificates
Click Receive -> Browse to the certificate received
Add Intermediate and Root certificate
(In case the Intermediate certificate is not included in the certificates received or CA is not a trusted (internal CA) , add them explicitly in Signers)
Open the Keystore database file using ikeyman
Switch to Signer Certificates
Click Add -> Browse to Intermediate/Root certificate
Enter a label in dialog box
Installation Paths for each component will be:
For CLM Liberty use ikeycmd
IBM HTTP Server use gskcmd
Create Keystore (Optional, if existing keystore is not used)
Note: If the CA that issuing your CA-signed certificate is not a trusted CA in the key database, store the CA certificate first and designate the CA as a trusted CA. Then you can receive your CA-signed certificate into the database. You cannot receive a CA-signed certificate from a CA that is not a trusted CA. To add CA to trust store, follow Intermediate and Root certificate section
Intermediate and Root certificate
In case of chain-intermediate certificate add then to Signers in keystore
ikeycmd -cert -add -db .kdb -pw -label
Additional commands
To verify that the signer certificates were imported successfully, run the following command:
./gskcmd -cert -list CA -db .kdb -pw
Display a list of certificates in a key database
./gskcmd -cert -list -db .kdb -pw
If the existing certificate in keystore is expired and new certificate request needs to be created, you can use below command to recreate the request which will use details from previously created certificate request