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Not getting those 'Related To' links after Business Need in RRC?

Partha Saha (1112) | asked Jan 18 '13, 6:28 a.m.
retagged Jan 18 '13, 9:35 a.m. by Bruce Korn (1912)

Added some 'Related To' task under Business Need from RTC.

Now while viewing the link relationship from RRC, not getting those 'Related To' links after Business Need. Please help for getting the link. Or please give a alternet solution such that I can get the relationship diagram.

2 answers

permanent link
Rosa Naranjo (2.9k11723) | answered Jan 21 '13, 10:27 a.m.
please look at this information as it may help you figure out how to resolve your issue.  Basically, the available link types vary based on the project template used but the following topic is your best comprehensive source of information.

Partha Saha commented Jan 21 '13, 11:25 p.m.

Thanks for your reply.

But I need to captures the relationship between a change management item with another change management item in that link explorer.

Which type of link I have to use?

permanent link
Partha Saha (1112) | answered Jan 21 '13, 12:30 a.m.


Is there any update regarding this. I need the informaton. Please help me to find out the link.

Rosa Naranjo commented Mar 01 '13, 4:53 p.m.

Perhaps if you post a screenshot of your issue.  I don't follow what you are trying to do.  If the link exists in the RM artifact, then it should show up in the Links Explorer view.  Note that the Links Explorer can be configured to filter our certain link types, so make sure you haven't filtered out the one you cannot see. 

Post a screenshot that shows the link exists.  Then post a screenshot of the link missing in the links explorer view of the same artifact.  Add another link to a task in RTC from the RM artifact and see if it shows up.

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