Is there an output logfile for when running the batch file to set the Rational Style in Insight fails?

I'm trying to run the setstyle.bat file below in my Insight setup. The Cognos Config shows the namespace is Jazz and I've tried using my JazzAdmin id that I also login to Cognos with, but I get the error below. I've also tried using the Data Collection id/pswd with no luck.
Is there a log that shows me exactly what's missing here? The error msg doesn't give me much info as to why it can't connect and I don't see anything in the main log files.
setstyle.bat -url <report_server_dispatch url> -namespace <report_server_namespace_id> -user <report_server_logon_user_id> -password <report_server_logon_password>
Is there a log that shows me exactly what's missing here? The error msg doesn't give me much info as to why it can't connect and I don't see anything in the main log files.
setstyle.bat -url <report_server_dispatch url> -namespace <report_server_namespace_id> -user <report_server_logon_user_id> -password <report_server_logon_password>
Cannot register the ' {0} ' style and make it the default style for all users. Unable to connect to the report server with the specified URL, namespace and credentials.