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Change RQM test case section name using RQM REST API

Luis Bazo (6832019) | asked Jan 10 '13, 5:42 a.m.
Hi guys,

I'm using a PUT XML to RQM API to change the test case design section name to "My Test Case Design Name". (See example below)

It loads correctly the contents of the test case design but it doesn't change the section name.

Do you know how to change a section name by PUT XML REST to RQM server?

Thanks in advance

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><testcase xmlns="" xmlns:ns10="" xmlns:ns11="" xmlns:ns12="" xmlns:ns2="" xmlns:ns3="" xmlns:ns4="" xmlns:ns5="" xmlns:ns6="" xmlns:ns7="" xmlns:ns8="" xmlns:ns9=""><projectArea href=""/><ns4:identifier></ns4:identifier><webId>34579</webId><ns4:title>Enviar Trabajo sin fichero de datos</ns4:title><ns4:description>Enviar un trabajo de impresión sin incluir un fichero de datos a imprimir.</ns4:description><creationDate>2012-11-24T12:52:09.322Z</creationDate><ns5:updated>2013-01-10T10:12:04.405Z</ns5:updated><ns5:state></ns5:state><ns4:creator ns3:resource="">jtsadmin</ns4:creator><ns5:owner ns3:resource="">getronic</ns5:owner><locked>false</locked><weight>1</weight><variables/><template href=""/>< extensionDisplayName="My Test Case Design Name"><div xmlns=""><pre>New Test case design contents correctly updated. Why does not change the extensionDisplayName???
</pre></div></>< extensionDisplayName="Precondition"><div xmlns=""><body/></div></>< extensionDisplayName="Postcondition"><div xmlns=""><body/></div></>< extensionDisplayName="Notes"><div xmlns=""><body/></div></>< extensionDisplayName="Acceptance Criteria"><div xmlns=""><body/></div></><LegacyCustomField extensionDisplayName="LegacyCustomField"><div xmlns=""><body/></div></LegacyCustomField><LegacyInputData extensionDisplayName="LegacyInputData"><div xmlns=""><body/></div></LegacyInputData><LegacyPassPoints extensionDisplayName="LegacyPassPoints"><div xmlns=""><body/></div></LegacyPassPoints><LegacyFailPoints extensionDisplayName="LegacyFailPoints"><div xmlns=""><body/></div></LegacyFailPoints><LegacyDesign extensionDisplayName="LegacyDesign"><div xmlns=""><body/></div></LegacyDesign><History extensionDisplayName="History"><div xmlns="">33554589    2011-05-24 05:03:58    getronic    Submit    no_value    Draft33554669    2011-05-24 10:45:01    getronic    Modify    Draft    Draft</div></History></testcase>

2 answers

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Paul Slauenwhite (8.4k12) | answered Jan 10 '13, 6:33 a.m.
edited Jan 13 '13, 6:41 p.m.
The extensionDisplayName attribute (not a property) of the element is read-only.

Luis Bazo commented Jan 10 '13, 7:45 a.m. | edited Jan 10 '13, 2:55 p.m.

Hi Paul,

Thanks for your quick response.

I was using the CQTM export utility (eclipse client) to RQM and I modified the migration.cfg file

 <mapping from="test_case_design" to=" extensionDisplayName=&quot;Diseno del caso de pruebas&quot;" pre="true"/>

That seems to work changing the extensionDisplayName to "Diseno del caso de pruebas"

I was wondering to do the same with XML PUT. I thought CQTM export utility uses REST API. Is that true?

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Paul Slauenwhite (8.4k12) | answered Jan 13 '13, 6:44 p.m.
Hi Luis,

The RQM Reportable API does not support setting the extensionDisplayName attribute.  The CQTM Export Utility may be creating a new test with a new test case section (and name).

Note, the element (see is of type qm:richtext (see  As such, extensionDisplayName is an attribute (not a property) that is not documented in the RQM schema (

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